Follow These 8 Fitness Girls For Home Workout Inspo

Follow These 8 Fitness Girls For Home Workout Inspo

Check out these fitness influencers' Instagram for workout tips you can adopt to whip your body into shape and get a stronger core.

Workout from home, best IG accounts to follow

The time has come. Phase two of Singapore's circuit breaker is upon us and with it, the continuation of activities through a "new normal", including the opening of gyms and workout studios. With restrictions easing up, social gatherings are also allowed (with recommended safety measures in place, of course)—the meetings, the birthdays and yes, the long awaited romantic dates. So if you've been slacking off your workout routine during lockdown, now is the time to get back into shape and leave your sweats and that tub of ice cream behind. We had all that time at home to work on our mental health, now is the time to level up our fitness, if not for vanity.

To help you get started, why not check out these fitness goddesses' Instagram? There are even some workout tips that you can adopt to whip your body into shape.

1) Tyen Rasif

Creator of the 'No Sweat' app, this YouTube and fitness enthusiast is one to follow if you're thinking of working on your gluteus maximus (yes that's a fancy way of saying butt). Get inspired by her perfect the 'Wall Squat Lat Raise' which she did as part of TikTok challenge with the help of a few local artists. Time to burn some calories.

2) Kirstie Gannaway

Kristie is a double threat. She's both a fitness and martial arts instructor who knows her way around the boxing ring. She's also your one stop shop for kickboxing and dieting tips as well as how to stay motivated through mindfulness.

3) Sandra Riley Tang

Sandra is not one to shy away from flexing a few yoga poses for her many followers on Instagram. From breathing techniques to mastering a difficult pose, she dispenses tips that are both encouraging and useful.

4) Liv Lo Golding

Liv is the founder of the aptly named 'Fitsphere by Liv Lo', a health and wellness website that specialises in HIIT, yoga, and exercises using weights. Her livestreams are a hit with fans looking to get their summer bodies in check. Plus, you'll also spot the occasional cameo from husband Henry Golding.

5) Roxanne Gan

Roxanne Gan is your virtual yoga queen. She's the co-founder of 'Zoi Yoga' and conducts regular online yoga classes alongside her yoga videos on IGTV. A master of difficult transitions, stretching and endurance, almost all her workouts can be done at the comfort of your own home.

6) Fay Hokulani

Fay is an online coach and founding instructor of 'Barry's Singapore'. She also hosts a live HIIT Zoomcamp every Sunday at 10am and has perfected the art of the 'Dolphin Pike'. She even conducts virtual one-on-one personal training via Zoom and is keen to help anyone looking for a tailored workout programme to do at home.

7) Tiong Jian En

Jian En is a fitness trainer that combines fitness with beauty tips. She is just as motivated about her daily fitness routine as she is about maintaining a clear and glowing complexion. Her Instagram account is interspersed with helpful workout tips as well as her favourite beauty regimens.

8) Sabrina

Working out is incredibly important to Sabrina who fills her IG grid with weekly fitness hacks for just about any part of your body.  She even has her own athletic wear, Goya Workleisure. Check out her account to find out how to get a stronger body.

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