10 Holographic Items You Need To Squeeze Into Your Closet ASAP

10 Holographic Items You Need To Squeeze Into Your Closet ASAP

How to wear the runway's most favourite #tbt-inpsired trend


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The '90s fever is in full swing and often times, some trends from that era get recycled frequently from time to time. (Think about the grunge revival in 2006!) Among all the the trends of the '90s, the one thing that we always loved the most is holographic fabric. Iridescent, shiny and pleasing to the eye, its vivid colour shift awakens our senses.

Bringing us back to the days when Romy and Michele turned heads at their high school reunion 21 years ago, the runway takes it to the next level. From Balmain to Sies Marjan, these designers tantalise our eyes with opalescent finishes on garments. Whether it's a floor-grazing coat or a modest midi dress, we can't resist the idea of rocking the holographic trend. Here are the top 10 products to add to your closet:

Style these mules with a pair of high-waisted jeans, camera bag and a cropped sweater for a coffee-friendly look.

Sies Marjan Robin Lenticular Fabric Mules, $813.30 at Barneys


We said it: logos are officially back. Let it be the talk of the town at the ladies' lunch by pairing it with a yellow dress and naked sandals.

Balmain Holographic Cross Body Bag, $2,092 at Far Fetch


Related article: Logos Are Officially Back And Here’s How To Wear Them

Style it with a pair of square toe sandals, beaded purse and t-shirt for a simple, yet elegant party look.

Balmain Holographic Pleated Woven Maxi Skirt, $2,070 at Selfridges


Straight off the runway, you can finally land your hands on this long-awaited dress. Temper the flashiness with a pair of clean white sneakers or worn-in boots.

Maryam Nassir Zadeh Journey Dress, USD $1,030.00 at Maryam Nassir Zadeh


Who knew that holographic sneakers actually exist? Spice it up with a white minidress, hoop earrings, racing jacket and rhinestone necklace.

Superga 2750 Hologram Sneakers, USD $79 at Shopbop


Is there anything out of the ordinary that this cult brand doesn't do? Apart from their infamous anatomy-inspired bikini top, Namilia offers us a tamer design from their collection. Part motocross pants, part assless chaps, these vegan leather trousers look amazing with a simple black bodysuit and pointy toe heels.

Namilia Motocross Panty Trousers, €171.00 at Namilia


Flaunt your gams with this statement-making miniskirt, knee-high boots and crew neck graphic tee.

Alexandre Vauthier Holographic Leather Ruched Mini Skirt, SG$ 5,656.07 at FWRD


We are not kidding you: Gucci just dropped a pair of sunnies inspired by the novelty party favours that you used to collect when you were a child. As one of the bestselling under the radar cult items, style it with a topknot, turtleneck top, ballet flats and black capris for a classic update on the Audrey Hepburn look.

Gucci Urban Web Block Sunglasses, US $435 at Shopbop


Related article: The Quintessential 2000s Accessories Trends That Are Coming Back (For Good)

The Triple S sneakers are officially over. Take your dad sneaker obsession to the next level with these zany holographic sneakers.

Joshua Sanders Zenith Hologram Sneakers, $784 at Far Fetch


As the new "It" shoe designer, Amina Muaddi knows what women want: shoes that can make an outfit pop. Built with a Fluevog-esque heel, you know that this is the shoe you NEED in your closet asap.

Amina Muaddi Ami Iridescent Pumps, USD $454.43 at Net-A-Porter


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