2024 Chinese Horoscope Predictions: What Will The Year Of The Dragon Bring?

2024 Chinese Horoscope Predictions: What Will The Year Of The Dragon Bring?

This is the year of the heavenly beast in the Chinese Zodiac, but what does the year hold for the rest of the animals? Astrologer Serene Teo takes a look at the signs to divine the future.


Lunar New Year is upon us and the Chinese horoscope forecast for 2024 has arrived. It is the year of the Yang Wood Dragon; the first year of what is known as Period 9, a pivotal time marking the transition to a new 20-year cycle governed by the trigram of Li ☲, ruled by the fire element and historically linked to the themes of evolution, transformation and disruption, particularly in technology, politics, climate, the environment and spirituality.

As it is the start of a new cycle, 2024 will be filled with exciting potential and opportunities, along with a global sense of risk, instability and uncertainty. Decisions made this year will set the tone for the era and be of long-term significance.

The art of Chinese metaphysics has no concept of ‘good’ or ‘bad’. On a personal level, one aims to balance Yin and Yang through intuitive aspiration, strategic decisions and focused vision supported by practical actions. The following horoscope readings are meant as inspiration for you.

DRAGON 辰 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

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Photo: 123rf

Those born in the year of the Dragon are traditionally believed to have a relatively difficult time this year, a phenomenon known as Fan Tai Sui or offending the year’s guardian. Fret not, however, as there are strategies to work with these seemingly unfavourable energies using a creative approach.

Consider 2024 as an invitation to step out of your comfort zone and implement the changes that you’ve been wanting to make in your life. Let go of fear, regret, and shackles from the past that are holding you back from a vibrant future.

Maintaining a positive outlook will unlock the hidden potential within adversity. Focus on mental health and wellness; cultivating a greater self-awareness and mindfulness of the present. Keep your heart free of fear, and have faith that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

Photo: Courtesy of Cartier

Lucky gemstone and colours: Cover yourself with diamonds and go bold with vibrant hues of yellows, oranges and reds.

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SNAKE 巳 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

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Photo: 123rf

2024 brings several auspicious stars to your sign, including a particularly fortuitous one known as the Sun. In order to harness the bright energy of this unbounded resource, you’re called to regain full agency of your life and to step into your power.

This energy is especially potent if you are studying or taking a course. Keep an open mind. It’s a great time to learn from someone who inspires you and to broaden your insights by becoming a student of life.

If you are in the position to take on the responsibility of a mentor or role model, the time is ripe to share your wisdom and experience to empower and support others. Ultimately, a life well-lived is one that is shared.

Photo: Courtesy of Bulgari

Lucky gemstone and colours: Allow amethysts to foster better communication and trust vivid pinks and purples to jazz up your wardrobe.

HORSE 午 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Photo: 123rf
Photo: 123rf

Your biggest gift for 2024 is the ability to draw from your inner reserves and wealth of experience to come up with solutions to mitigate potential issues and setbacks.

As you step into the new year, not only is it advisable to spring clean your home, it is also necessary and important to declutter your inner landscape. Let go of self-criticism and blame, limiting beliefs, lingering resentments or tendencies to self-sabotage, as those will be the biggest hindrances to progress.

Maintaining a centred and grounded state of mind will help you gain clarity and forbearance to sail through turbulence, both internal and external, that the year might bring, and emerge brighter, stronger and more resilient.

Photo: Courtesy of Chopard

Lucky gemstone and colours: For you, champagne-coloured pearls with incredible lustre and a neutral palette will go a long way in stilling the mind.

GOAT未 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

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Photo: 123rf

This year brings a spark of entrepreneurial luck for goats who have been dreaming up new projects or cultivating ideas for a business. Master the art of asking the right questions and you will receive the answers you seek. Keep an open and receptive mind when it comes to workplace dynamics, as opportunities will arise when you are not dismissive or shut off.

It’s a good year to elevate the way you communicate, especially to yourself—there are enough sceptics and cynics out there; the last thing you need is the voice in your head piling on.

How can you shift your tone to be more uplifting, kindly, gentle, loving, and constructive? The way you speak to yourself is directly correlated to your influence on others; you’ll attract positivity with self-mastery.

Photo: Courtesy of Dior

Lucky gemstone and colours: Opals—especially, black opals—will bring you clarity while calming pinks, taupes and browns will give you peace of mind.

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MONKEY 申 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

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Photo: 123rf

Imagination is a double-edged tool which serves as either your most valuable asset, or your biggest setback this year. Focus on cultivating faith instead of feeding fear—where your attention goes, there your energy flows.

It’s a great year to take steps needed to turn your ideas into reality—prioritise, get organised and reach out for support as the law of attraction is particularly magnetic this year for those born under the sign of the Monkey.

Haters and naysayers without constructive input are best ignored. Be discerning, however, and listen to those with good intentions, as you will be blessed to meet some very helpful people on your way.

Photo: Courtesy of Hermès

Lucky gemstone and colours: Keep your hopes up with a mix of peridots, garnets, moonstones and more precious stones and infuse the full spectrum of colour into your style.

ROOSTER 酉 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

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Photo: 123rf

After experiencing lots of changes in the year of the Rabbit, it’s time to gather the lessons from what you’ve experienced in 2023 and use them to build your ideal future. This is a fruitful time of abundance and opportunities to generate wealth and tap into different income avenues.

The rooster is associated with the metal element which controls 2024’s wood element; you’ll be able to discern the gold from the dross, which will serve in recognising opportunities worth pursuing.

Attention is currency; use it to your advantage by positioning yourself strategically, both online and offline, and by placing yourself in the types of environment you thrive in.

Photo: Courtesy of Richard Mille

Lucky gemstone and colours: Speckled stones like carnelians will empower you this year but a playful timepiece will also do the trick.

DOG 戌 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

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Photo: 123rf

The Dog is the antithesis of the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac. Expect great change, including some unexpected ones. Change is inevitable; it is a law of Nature and inherently, neither good nor bad.

Knowing that changes are afoot, you can exercise personal agency to effectively fine-tune various aspects of your life. If there are matters you have been meaning to address, this is the year they will surface—no one can walk on eggshells forever, circumventing real issues.

Be proactive and initiate the kind of changes you’d like to see in your life, especially when it comes to recalibrating your relationship and allocation of financial assets, resources and abundance. You’ll also be called to look at, reassess and make necessary changes related to your physical health and communities, friendships or social circles.

Photo: Courtesy of Boucheron

Lucky gemstone and colours: Tourmalines will fortify your mind and heart while shades of green will be a suitable armour to get you through 2024.

PIG 亥 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

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Photo: 123rf

This is a pivotal year for personal growth and transformation if you’re born under the sign of the Pig, as you will be called to step into a role of leadership, power or authority. Whether it is the role of changemaker, pioneer, or intergenerational chain breaker, you will be tasked with and given the resources to bridge the gap between tradition and the future.

You may be called to play the role of devil’s advocate; to ask the hard questions that challenge redundant dogma which no longer serves the needs of your community, and get to the heart of truth, especially your own.

Unfeigned authenticity is deeply attractive—if you are ready to mingle, be open to the possibility of a romantic spark within your social network.

Photo: Courtesy of Chanel

Lucky gemstone and colours: Pink sapphires will instil much-needed calmness and adding this peppy colour to your closet will enhance that tranquillity.

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RAT 子 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

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Photo: 123rf

Over the past year, you’ve been working hard on a campaign that’s starting to bear fruit. At this crucial juncture, collaboration and connection are the secrets to ultimate success; you cannot win this one alone.

Articulate your vision and map the path out clearly when in communication with others. The forces of nature are on your side—it’s now up to you to harness and channel these energies to your advantage through planning and coordination.

Maximise the use of your talents and abilities, invest your effort strategically and take greater responsibility. Be open to learning a new skill or life lesson along the way. With increased energy exchanges, stay healthy and boost your immunity with routine and rest.

Photo: Courtesy of FRED

Lucky gemstone and colours: Let the rejuvenating spirit of aquamarine wash over you and embrace various tones of blue to soothe the soul.

OX丑 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

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Photo: 123rf

Many auspicious stars shine upon you in 2024, especially if you have been diligently problem-solving and moving towards your goals with determination.

Blessings and fortune are abundant—now is the time to pick the tools you’ve been equipping yourself with over the past few years in order to harvest the well-deserved fruits of your toil and reap the hard-won harvest of your efforts.

Not everyone in your life will be ready to accept this sparkling improved version of you, but this is your time to shine and dazzle. Though growth can sometimes hurt, it is even more painful when one remains stunted and prevented from ripening to one’s fullest potential, and from sharing the light of one’s progress with the world.

Photo: Courtesy of Franck Muller

Lucky gemstone and colours: Exude courage inside and out with rubies and fiery reds that will undoubtedly draw attention from a mile away.

TIGER 寅 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

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Photo: 123rf

An exciting year awaits you, brave-hearted one, as 2024 promises a plenitude of adventure. Explore your untamed side by taking a leap into the wild unknown and do what makes you feel alive.

Broaden your horizons by taking a spontaneous trip somewhere you’ve never been, or undertake studies to upgrade your skill set. Fan the flames of creativity as a reminder of why you exist. Renew your commitment to your long-term goals and discard dead weight that does not fuel your fire.

This dynamic energy may result in emotional fluctuations, which can be balanced by cultivating an attitude of gratitude. Doing this will open you up to opportunities to shift your perspective by sharing your gifts and paying forward the blessings you receive by helping and supporting others.

Photo: Courtesy of Tiffany & Co.

Lucky gemstone and colours: The mesmerisingly dark allure of onyx coupled with the intensity of blue sapphires will attract good vibes in the months ahead.

RABBIT 卯 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

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Photo: 123rf

Use this year to settle into the new beginnings that emerged in 2023. Moving forward from the momentum from the past year, you’re called to transcend your personal limitations. Eliminate distractions to clear energetic blockages that hinder your progress.

Your task is to stay focused on your vision and to make sure you are nourished and hydrated along the way so that you are well-equipped with optimism and confidence to deal with obstacles and setbacks on your journey.

Counteract any lack of zest or motivation with nourishing and vitality-boosting activities, such as self-care practices, the maintenance of good spiritual hygiene, a healthy diet, and regular exercise.

Photo: Courtesy of Mikimoto

Lucky gemstone and colours: Be it jewels or fashion, swathes of blues and greens will bring joy into the fold.

To find out more about what the year ahead has in store for you, Serene Teo offers one-to-one natal chart consultations at www.theserenesage.com.

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