Your Complete Horoscope For November 2021

Your Complete Horoscope For November 2021

Happy birthday, Scorpio and Sagittarius!

Scorpio Sagittarius Horoscope

Happy birthday, Scorpio and Sagittarius! Find out what this month has in store for you.

Others may think you’re too fond of the sound of your own voice if you allow a Mercury‐Mars alliance to convince you that you’re an expert in just about every field. Authoritative Saturn will intervene, bringing you down to earth with a bump. Remember, you’re dealing with people who rate modesty far higher than arrogance.

Trust your instincts with regard to somebody’s strength of character rather than allow the prejudices of a group of people to cloud your judgement. Eventually, you’ll find yourself in a position of great influence within the territory concerned. Without becoming a control freak, let everyone see that you’ll stand no nonsense from mischief-makers.

Much as you may want to take care of a rather vulnerable individual, you mustn’t encourage total dependency on you. Explain that you’re there to help, but also mention the various areas of your life to which you’re deeply committed. Perhaps you should also question your motives regarding the tendency to encourage others to lean on you.

Normally, you would welcome the opinions of loved ones concerning your activities in the wider world. However, with the Sun challenging Uranus, you’ll resent the interference of those who pontificate without considering the impact on someone such as yourself. If tempted to put them right, do so in a way that won’t drive them away.

News that’s about to arrive may create shock waves among your peers or associates, but you’ll see how to take the heat out of the situation. In doing so, you’ll impress figures of authority who’ll realise that they have underestimated your strengths and talents. Does this mean you should be a part of their team? Not unless it suits you.

Quite why loved ones and friends constantly question your handling of a financial or business matter will be beyond you. Perhaps they think you lack the skills to do a good deal. Or is it simply that they want to protect you? If so, that’s nice, but perhaps you should tell them that there’s really no need to.

Promise yourself that a minor spat with somebody close won’t become far more serious. The two of you have coped with a number of stressful situations recently. Perhaps there hasn’t been enough time to pause, take some deep breaths and start again. Reminding yourselves of all the positive reasons of why you’re together can be therapeutic.

In spite of your careful planning, disruptions will present themselves. Blue-sky thinking will be encouraged by the Sun connecting with Neptune. But as it’s also confronting Jupiter, a critic will assume the right to point out where you’re going wrong, whether you are or not. Keep telling yourself how clever you can be within certain territories.

Talk of an escapist or romantic venture will appeal. But make sure others entering a judgemental phase don’t spoil everything by continually mentioning the costs involved. You don’t want to end up in the red, but on the other hand, you don’t want to be forced to remain in one place against your will either.

While you may dream of spending time with someone special, you’ll be reminded of all your ongoing responsibilities elsewhere. Prove to onlookers and yourself that you’re perfectly capable of mixing business and pleasure without anybody else feeling abandoned. You mustn’t allow your reputation to suffer by being distracted at the worst possible moment.

Restoring certain friendships to what they once were will feel good. However, this cannot be done at the expense of relatives craving more of your attention. Capitalise on the Sun and Mercury entering the family sector of your chart. Consequently, you should be more astute and aware regarding the needs of those you love most.

Scrutinise the finer details of a contract or arrangement to avoid ending up out of pocket. You could also be drawn towards another area that has a lot to offer creatively or artistically. And that, too, will require you to keep a close watch on your outgoings. Why part with money you don’t really have?

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