How Margot Robbie Got Into Shape For 'Tarzan'

How Margot Robbie Got Into Shape For 'Tarzan'

Forget what Alexander Skarsgard did to get his six pack – we'll have what Margot Robbie's having

How Margot Robbie Got Into Shape For ‘Tarzan’
How Margot Robbie Got Into Shape For 'Tarzan'

Photo: Getty

How Margot Robbie Got Into Shape For 'Tarzan'

It's no secret that many actors transform their bodies for roles, often working out, dieting – or, conversely, indulging – either to keep up with the physical demands of the job (Blake Lively fighting for her life in The Shallows) or look like the character they're embodying (Renée Zellweger's 30lb weight gain for Bridget Jones, Hugh Jackman getting muscular as Wolverine).

Alexander Skarsgard and Margot Robbie are no exception, as they prepared to play Tarzan and Jane in this summer's The Legend of Tarzan. While Skarsgard consumed 7,000 calories a day and started weightlifting to pack on muscle to play the loincloth-wearing protagonist, Robbie's diet plan sounds far more enjoyable – in that she didn't 'diet' at all.

"It's the 19th century [in the film] – if she's got a bit of weight on her, it's probably a good thing," she told TV Week. "I'm not going to look thin just for the sake of it."

Robbie skipped the gym, frequenting pubs instead, so she could try London's classic dishes while the movie filmed there, Yahoo reports. Since Skarsgard cut out sugar, gluten, wheat, dairy and alcohol while shooting, eating six small meals a day (and working out twice a day), he'd often ask Robbie to describe whatever she ate over the weekend on Monday mornings.

How Margot Robbie Got Into Shape For 'Tarzan'

Photo: Getty

How Margot Robbie Got Into Shape For 'Tarzan'

"It was like food porn for Alex," Robbie told People. "I was like, 'I had this and I ate that, and for dessert I had that.' And he was, like, welling up… Actually, I really felt bad. To begin with I was like, 'Mmm, mmm, mmm, I'm eating cake and you're not!' And then after a while I felt really bad for him, so I'd eat my food somewhere else so he couldn't see."

Robbie really felt bad for Skarsgard the day he was told he could eat an apple, and the star got so excited he kissed it. "It hit me how deprived you are if you're that excited to see a piece of fruit," she says.

Skarsgard's no-carb diet had to be particularly disappointing, considering Robbie says her co-star has a hidden talent for making phenomenal spaghetti Bolognese. The actress knows a thing or two about bolognese – she once ate about eight pounds of it in an hour, winning an eating contest a few years back.

"Interestingly enough, I think you're good at making spaghetti Bolognese," she told Skarsgard during a Periscope interview with fans. "And I'm good at eating spaghetti Bolognese. We're kind of like a match made in heaven."

How Margot Robbie Got Into Shape For 'Tarzan'

Photo: Getty

How Margot Robbie Got Into Shape For 'Tarzan'

Just because they're a match made in heaven doesn't mean Skarsgard should let his guard down. When asked who'd survive longest on a deserted island, Robbie turns ruthless.

"I would eat him," she jokes. "I'd wait for him to turn around, and then I'd smack him over the head with a coconut and I'd have food for months."

From: Harper's BAZAAR US

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