The Best Foods For Your Mental Health

We are what we eat, and our diet can have a direct impact on our moods. Here’s how to maintain mental wellness with the food you eat.

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You’re feeling frazzled and on edge lately. The smallest things can set you off, and you feel listless, tired, or moody and might have trouble sleeping.

If you’ve been feeling blue lately, a part of the reason could be your diet.

Our brain is always working, handling our movement, breathing, thoughts, heartbeat, and more, even when we’re sleeping. Much like a car, our brain constantly needs fuel, which comes from the food we eat. What’s in that fuel is crucial. What we eat has a direct impact on how well our brain functions and, as a result, our mood.

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Our brain performs best when it gets high-quality fuel. In other words, nutritious food filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Foods like that nourish the brain and prevent oxidative stress, cell damage caused when the body uses oxygen. Conversely, eating low-quality foods (such as processed or refined foods) can cause inflammation and put more oxidative stress on the brain.

“Multiple studies have found a correlation between a diet high in refined sugars and impaired brain function, and even a worsening of symptoms of mood disorders such as depression,” says Alessia Tan, nutritionist and business mentor at USANA Health Sciences. “Therefore, a healthy diet protects our mental health, while an unhealthy diet is a risk factor for depression and anxiety.”

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How our diet affects our mood 

Ninety five percent of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates our sleep, appetite, and mood, is produced in our gastrointestinal tract, which is lined with millions of neurons. In short, that means our digestive system doesn’t just help digest food, but also influences our emotions. These neurons are affected by the good bacteria in our gut microbiome that protect the intestine lining and provide a strong barrier against “bad” bacteria, improve nutrient absorption from food, limit inflammation, and activate neural pathways between the brain and gut.

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“A diet rich in nutrients like omega-3 and zinc boosts levels of a brain protein that helps increase connections between brain cells. On the other hand, a diet high in saturated fats and refined sugars has a very potent negative impact on brain proteins,” says Alessia. 

Since the food we eat not only affects how we feel, but also how we behave as a result, as well as the types of bacteria in our gut, it’s crucial to pay attention to what we are putting into our body.

Here are some mental health-supporting foods to add to your diet.

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Oily fish is a well-known “brain food” because of the omega-3 fatty acids they contain – namely, DHA. This fatty acid helps to improve our memory and contributes to brain health. A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids thus boosts our mood and raises our mental wellness by reducing anxiety levels. Get your DHA from oily fish like salmon and trout or fish oil supplements.

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Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries are a great snack rich in antioxidants, which help to repair cells and combat inflammation. By reducing the damage caused by free radicals (commonly found in pollutants and cigarette smoke), antioxidants thus alleviate the symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. Plus, strawberries and blueberries also contain a compound called polyphenolics, which have been proven to improve concentration, memory, and sharpen our attention.

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If you’re going to snack, then snack smart. Walnuts, being full of antioxidants, guard our brain health for the long run by reducing oxidative stress in our brain and body. Not only that, walnuts aid in the development of new neurons, which essentially means they maintain our mental health by helping us grow new brain cells.

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Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to cut out carbs from your diet. Processed crabs may cause inflammation and weight gain, and lead to mood swings and sugar crashes, but wholegrains are a rich source of tryptophan, a type of amino acid that aids in the production of the feel-good hormone serotonin. This hormone helps improve our mood, calm our mind, and maintain a regular sleep cycle.

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Dark, leafy greens have a fantastic rep – and little wonder. With all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants they contain, vegetables like kale, spinach and broccoli are nutritional powerhouses. Plus, they’re beneficial to our mental health. Studies have shown that people who consume daily servings of leafy greens, such as spinach, experience a slower rate of cognitive decline compared to those who don’t touch their greens. Leafy greens also help to protect the brain by fending off dementia, thanks to minerals like iron, calcium, folate, and vitamins E and K.

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Packed with probiotics, which are essential for maintaining gut microflora and ensuring a smooth digestive system, yoghurt is one food that can positively impact our brain. Studies on the brain-gut connection reveal that our gut has a direct impact on our brain, and vice versa. The enteric nervous system (ENS) comprises two layers of over 100 million nerve cells lining our gastrointestinal tract, so whatever goodness you bring to your gut through the food you eat benefits the brain. “Trillions of good bacteria live in the gut. Fill the gut with healthy bacteria that is good for the brain. They fend off bad bacteria and keep your immune system in check. Some gut germs even help make brain-powering B vitamins,” says Alessia. “Foods with beneficial bacteria, called probiotics, help maintain a healthy gut environment. A healthier microbiome is going to decrease inflammation, which affects mood and cognition. So consume yoghurt, miso soup, kefir, tempeh and kimchi regularly to keep your gut health in check!”

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For a happy, healthy brain, include beans in your diet. Beans and legumes such as chickpeas, kidney beans and lentils are rich in antioxidants and fibre, which help to maintain a stable blood sugar and keep us full longer. Beans also contain an essential vitamin called thiamine, which the brain requires to produce acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter that supports memory.

This article first appeared in Her World.


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