To Have A Healthier Day, Start Every Morning Doing This

To Have A Healthier Day, Start Every Morning Doing This

A few minutes in the morning and you're set.

To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

Photo: Getty

To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

Sometimes hitting snooze seven times in the morning feels like a good idea—until you get out of bed frazzled, forget your gym bag, leave your healthy lunch in the fridge, and give up on that clean living idea entirely. Tomorrow, devote just a few minutes to these simple tricks, all designed to help you make simple, healthier choices for the rest of the day.

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But first, water.

To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

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To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

Start your day with a glass of filtered water to replenish those fluids as soon as you wake up, suggests Dawn Thorpe Jarvis, R.D., senior director of nutrition science and educational content for Garden of Life.



To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

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To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

"Stretching for just five minutes will get your blood flowing and ease tension," says Lauren Fleri, a CrossFit Level II coach at Brick New York. After all, it's easier to treat your body well when it feels good, not achey or tense. Try a hamstring stretch or child's pose—you don't even need to leave your bed.


Eat something nutrient-rich.

To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

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To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

Jarvis encourages people to eat plenty of vitamin-packed fruits and vegetables. However, the CDC reportsonly one in 10 adults get enough from the produce aisle. Jarvis suggests taking a multivitamin (such as Garden of Life's mykind Organics) to help fill out any gaps in your diet.


Don't forget the greens

To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

Photo: Getty

To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

"In the morning, your metabolism is slow, so you want to get it revved right away,” Jarvis says. That way, you'll kickstart a day of effortless calorie-burning. "Leafy greens with protein are a wonderful source of many antioxidant nutrients," Jarvis adds. She likes mixing some kale into her Garden of Life Raw Organic Fit Protein Powder.

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Or grab that breakfast you made last night.

To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

Photo: Getty

To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

Knowing a delicious, healthy breakfast is waiting for you in the fridge makes rolling out of bed easier. Angela Lemond, R.D.N and founder of Lemond Nutrition, loves the overnight oat trend: mix ½ cup rolled oats, ½ cup plain Greek yogurt, 2/3 cup milk, plus vanilla and cinnamon to taste, and sprinkle fresh fruit, nuts, or coconut on top.


Try not to look at your phone.

To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

Photo: Getty

To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

Easier said than done, but it matters. In a study from the University of Pennsylvania, people who consumed just three minutes of negative news in the morning were 27 percent more likely to report that they had an unhappy day than folks who weren't exposed to the negativity.


Plan your workout before bed.

To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

Photo: Getty

To have a healthier day, start every morning doing this

Planning to hit the gym before work? Write down your workout plan the night before, suggests Hollis Tuttle, head coach at Mile High Run Club in New York City. That way your groggy head won't be coming up with a fitness plan on the fly.

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This article originally appeared on Harper's BAZAAR UK

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