Your 'Hot Girl Summer' Prep Starts With This Rejuvenating Treatment For Your Body

Your 'Hot Girl Summer' Prep Starts With This Rejuvenating Treatment For Your Body

Bring your best self

Achieve Your 'Hot Girl Summer' Goals With Profhilo Body - Featured Image

As Megan Thee Stallion so eloquently puts it: "Hot Girl Summer so you know she got it lit", summer brings to mind warm weather and fun in the sun complete with swimwear, flowing dresses and straw hats. While we embrace our bodies unconditionally—lines, folds and all—if these are concerns stopping you from enjoying the best life or booking that summer vacay, then a confidence boost is in order.

Skin ageing is a natural process (we'd like to think you gain wisdom in the process!), and you might experience loss of elasticity not only on the face, but also on areas such as the arms and tummy. While we can't stop the clock, there are steps you can take to maintain skin's firmness so that it stays youthful-looking for longer.

This is where Profhilo Body comes in. It is an injectable skin-boosting treatment that helps to improve skin laxity by stimulating collagen, elastin and adipocytes stem cells that have been lost through the natural process of ageing or from sudden circumference reduction such as post-partum weight loss.

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A saviour for your skin

The secret of a Profhilo Body treatment lies in the magic of hyaluronic acid. Known for its hydrating benefits, hyaluronic acid holds up a thousand times its own weight in water and replenishes lost hydration in your cells—an essential component for firmer and healthier-looking skin. 

Profhilo Body's unique complex containing two different molecular weights of hyaluronic acid helps skin hold moisture, which in turn allows it to look more supple and firm, addressing issues like sagging and crepey-looking skin. At 96mg/3ml, it contains the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid compared to other treatments available in the market.

By protecting your skin and preserving its ability to retain vital moisture, Profhilo Body helps to plump up your cells for a smoother and firmer feel. At the same time, it encourages dermal renewal by stimulating elastin and collagen creation at different skin depths, so your skin is equipped to repair itself from the inside out.

A worthwhile investment for maintaining youthful-looking skin

Available at medical aesthetics clinic illumia Medical—one of the first clinics to offer this revolutionary treatment—the downtime for Profhilo Body is minimal so you can book it right before your next beach holiday. That also means you can seek treatment easily during lunch hour and go straight back to your busy life without missing a beat.

Administered by experienced medical professionals who are specially trained to perform the treatment, Profhilo Body is injected into 10 precise Bio Aesthetic Points (BAP) for a comprehensive well-rounded delivery. These BAP points are strategically located away from nerves and major blood vessels, so the formula can safely penetrate the various layers of your skin—the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layers. The recommended areas for treatments include the inner arms, which is prone to skin sagging and the dreaded "batwings" appearance, as well as the abdomen—another problem area that is tough to target without aesthetic intervention.

Doctors recommend an initial cycle of two treatments, 30 days apart, to see results, with maintenance sessions thereafter if necessary. Patients can expect to see an improvement to skin elasticity, firmness, and overall toned appearance.

With Profhilo Body, you can reduce the wrinkly wobbles on your inner arms and abdomen and gain confidence to enjoy your 'Hot Girl Summer' to the fullest.

illumia Medical is located at 501 Orchard Road, Wheelock Place, #05-12B, Singapore 238880. WhatApp 9656 5464 to make an appointment or visit www.illumiamedical.com for more information

Brought to you by illumia Medical
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