How To Kill It On Snapchat According To 9 Fashion Insiders

How To Kill It On Snapchat According To 9 Fashion Insiders

The ladies bringing it on the app share the secrets behind their stories


If Instagram has become a well-curated, ultra-perfect photo interpretation of everyone's lives, Snapchat is the Wild West. A freewheeling, filter-free place where "stories" disappear after 24-hours, video and photo live alongside each other and a "lens" making your face into a kitty cat or princess isn't a rarity. Celebrity hair stylist Jen Atkin goes behind the scenes with clients like Khloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner—a super snapper. Models Devor Windsor and Kelly Gale take you on vacations and on photo shoots and Shay Mitchell documents her LA scene and the Pretty Little Liars. Get theirs and more snapping secrets from the ladies who have made Snapchat a mobile destination.

Shay Mitchell, @officialshaym

Occupation: Actress

How would you describe your Snapchat style?

I like to make it a real story, vlog style with a clear voice.

Is more more on Snapchat? 

Not necessarily, it all depends on the story.

Do you prefer still or video? 


How do you grow your following? 

I don't focus on that, I just film things I think people will find fun and interesting.

What's the best thing about Snapchat compared to Insta? 

Real time point and shoot videos with fun filters.

Favorite person to follow on Snap? 

My friends, it helps me stay up to date with what everyone has going on.

Do you use lenses? If so which is your fave? 

Yes! I love the fun ones that have a theme like the ones from the holidays!

Olivia Culpo, @oliviaculpo

Occupation: Actress, model, television presenter

How would you describe your Snapchat style?

Food, fashion, travel, friends and family. I have a big family so it's always fun to get them acting crazy.

Do you prefer still or video?

I prefer video. I think it tells a better story and separates snapchat from other social platforms.

How do you grow your following?

I think the best way to engage fans is by surprising them with fun events or interesting people you run into. Also holidays are so fun because you're usually celebrating at home in your most relaxing environment.

What's the best thing about Snapchat compared to Insta? 

I love Snapchat because its more candid than Instagram. People can really get an idea of your everyday life and it's easier to share videos.

Favorite person to follow on Snap?

I love following DJ Khaled. I die laughing.

Do you use lenses? If so which is your favorite?

My favorite was the Christmas lens that made you look like Santa. Or the one that makes you have hearts for eyes and says I love you. It's so cute!

Jen Atkin, @jenatkinhair

Occupation: Hairstylist

How would you describe your Snapchat style?


Is more more on Snapchat?

Definitely. I think people enjoy seeing an actual story, like a mini movie or documentary.

Do you prefer still or video?

I prefer video. It's more engaging and part of what sets Snapchat apart from other social channels.

How do you grow your following?

Be consistent. Pay attention to what people take screen grabs of and post more of that. Be lighthearted and have fun with it! BE AUTHENTIC.

What's the best thing about Snapchat compared to Insta?

Snapchat is so much more unrestrained that Instagram. On Instagram, everything has become so curated. You take 30+ photos, find one to edit through so many apps, filter, add borders, facetune, etc. Snapchat is so much more raw and easier. It's more of a real take on life rather than the highly edited and filtered version we see on Instagram.

Favorite person to follow on Snap?

Elle Canada, Kylie Jenner, Glossier, and Geri Hersh!

Are you pro specials lens? If so, favorite lens?


Riley Montana, @rileymorello

Occupation: Model

How would you describe your Snapchat style?

100% Riley

Is more more on Snapchat?

It really just depends. If it's funny, it's funny. When you just post selfie videos for 10 snaps it's annoying. Really depends on the purpose behind the snap. If you're just talking and it has no funny story behind it I'll stop watching or tell you to go away haha.

Do you prefer still or video?

Both but mainly video because it shows more personality. Save the million unwanted selfies for Insta.

How do you grow your following?

I just randomly post it to Insta if I like it and tag my Snap because people ask or sometimes people screenshot me and post on their Insta.

What's the best thing about Snapchat compared to Insta?

Best thing about Snap is that I have no filter. I'm 100% me—no thought really put into it. Just what naturally comes to me or me just lucking up and catching a crazy moment.

Favorite person to follow on Snap?

Dj Khalid because he's annoying to the point it's hilarious! Bless up.

Do you use lenses? If so which is your favorite?

NOT REALLY MY THING. I use them randomly but not too much.... I get pissed when I try and it can't detect my face.

Lauren Urasek, @loandthecosmos

Occupation: Makeup Artist

How would you describe your Snapchat style?

I try to only post things that I think people would be interested in. So, if I have an urge to post a video of me watching a tv show or something dumb, I try to stop myself. I try to show some of the cool events I go to, shoots I'm at, and different work stuff I do while occasionally acting like an idiot. It's kind of a mixture of makeup and fashion stuff, selfies, LOTS of animals I spot, and whatever else is going on that day.

Is more more on Snapchat?

Depends on the content. I've definitely unfollowed people who only talk about their boring life nonstop. However, if someone is funny or doing something super interesting then I'm down for "more is more."

Do you prefer still or video? 

I do both but probably prefer video.

How do you grow your following? 

Linking your Snapchat name to your other social media and occasionally posting a video or photo from snap on Instagram works pretty well.

What's the best thing about Snapchat compared to Insta? 

It's much more genuine and real. You get a vibe for who someone actually is opposed to this perfectly curated group of photos you might see on Instagram.

Favorite person to follow on Snap? 

It's probably a tie between @Chloetheminifrenchie (self explanatory) and @Nadiaaboulhosn (she's hilarious).

Do you use lenses? If so which is your favorite?

I don't that often. They get kinda repetitive and annoying when every time a new one comes out every single person on your story is using it.

Jennifer Fisher, @jfisherjewelry

Occupation: Jewelry Designer

How would you describe your Snapchat style?

My Snapchat style is super spontaneous. I've been asked to post more food so Snapchat is becoming another outlet I can use for food and cooking in addition to Instagram. I'm a home trained cook and make up my own gluten free recipes and combos often.

Is more more on Snapchat? 

No !! I definitely don't post everything. Some things have to be kept sacred.

Do you prefer still or video? 

For the most part I am a still girl. I love to think of it as an extension of my Instagram. I snap instead of posting on Instagram so much. But now that I'm explaining recipes I'm starting to add more videos.

How do you grow your following? 

There is no rhyme or reason to it. I just snap and see what happens and what the response is.

What's the best thing about Snapchat compared to Insta? 

I have to admit I love watching other people's videos on Snapchat which I don't do so much on Instagram. Snap gives you timed insight in to someone's day, whereas on Instagram you don't know when the picture or video was taken.

Favorite person to follow on Snap? 

Everyone! How do you choose just one? Hannah Bronfman and her workouts, Jen Atkin and her hair adventures and even the random Rihanna videos that show up when her girls film her.

Do you use lenses? If so which is your favorite? 

In the AM it's always the time stamp since I wake so early.

Chantel Jeffries, @chanteltaleen

Occupation: Model

How would you describe your Snapchat style?

I would describe my Snapchat style as "behind the scenes" and "day to day" with a good musical soundtrack and comedic twist.

Is more more on Snapchat?

Personally I feel like more is more on Snapchat because it's like my own personal TV show. It's a great place to showcase personality and allow people to feel like they know me. By no means do I snap every little thing I'm doing but if I find something funny or interesting I love to share it with my viewers. Snapchat is one of the platforms where it is welcomed to post more material.

Do you prefer still or video?

Aside from the occasional outfit pic or selfie I would say I definitely prefer video. I like the action of it all, making people feel like they're right there with you. When I'm bored I like living vicariously through my friends snapchat stories, so I like to do the same and provide some entertainment to my followers.

How do you grow your following?

I grow my following by posting random snaps to my other social media accounts. I also have stickers of my snap barcode that I stick places I go for curious people to add me.

What's the best thing about Snapchat compared to Insta? 

The best thing about Snapchat in comparison to Insta is that it is a lot easier to showcase your personality. Also since they delete after 24 hours it's more about being in the moment rather than getting the best shot. I feel like it allows you to enjoy what you're doing presently as well as relive those moments just by saving your story to view later.

Favorite person to follow on Snap?

My favorite person to follow on snap has got to be Dj Khaled because he's a consistent snapper and he also is quite motivational as well as hilarious. They don't want you to laugh while being inspired.

Do you use lenses? If so which is your favorite?

I use lenses from time to time for fun but for some reason they can never read my face correctly and I always end up looking like some science experiment gone wrong.

Devon Windsor, @devwindsor

Occupation: Model

How would you describe your Snapchat style?

I would say it's fun, spontaneous and silly.

Is more more on Snapchat?

Definitely not. I tend to unfollow people that over Snap!

Do you prefer still or video?

I do a mixture of both. Sometimes I get in an all pic mode or an all video mode. Depends on my mood and what I'm doing. If a picture cannot capture it, then a video will!

How do you grow your following?

At first I wanted to keep my snapchat private and for me. Eventually, I made it public and didn't really announce it. I've only done one or two Instagram posts about my snapchat since then. Sometimes I'll tweet things that I have snapped as well.

What's the best thing about Snapchat compared to Insta? 

Snapchat gives people a view into what you're doing at that given moment. It also showcases people's personalities, whereas Instagram usually leaves things up for interpretation for your followers.

Favorite person to follow on Snap?

My sister! Since we live in different cities it allows me to see what she's been up too or doing currently!

Kelly Gale, @kellybellyboom

Occupation: Model

How would you describe your Snapchat style?

Funny and inspirational. I like to post things I find humorous, and I also post photos and videos of my workouts, food, snacks and cooking.

Is more more on Snapchat?

No. I think less is more. Unless you're skydiving, swimming with sharks and having a meeting with Obama all in one day... If you post too much "boring" content people will just move past all the shots and videos fast, without even watching anything.

Do you prefer still or video?

I like to do a mix of both. But if I have to say one I prefer video. Its more fun and personal.

How do you grow your following?

I don't do much and just let it grow organically. Sometimes I'll post a photo on my instagram referring to my Snapchat if there is something I think followers should really check out.

What's the best thing about Snapchat compared to Insta? 

It's more personal and real. It's in the moment, with no filters or anything. Just capturing the briefs in my day and then sharing directly.

Favorite person to follow on snap?

I mostly just follow my friends for now.

Do you use lenses? If so which is your fave? 

Nope, very rarely!

From: Harper's BAZAAR US

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