Your Complete Horoscope For July 2020

Happy birthday, Cancer and Leo!

Horoscope 2020

Find out what this month has in store for you.

Photos: Getty

Reflecting on tussles within your personal life, you might feel bruised. However, you should tell yourself that you’re fast approaching a phase during which you’ll be better equipped to articulate thoughts you’ve had to suppress recently. And you should find that the responses you’re given move one particular relationship on to an entirely new level.

All of a sudden, it may occur to you to invite others to help fund a favourite project of yours. However, don’t expect an entirely positive response until late July, when Jupiter is nicely connected to Neptune. That’s when those in the picture will start to become more optimistic than they have been for some while.

Group activities or connections may lose their impetus, but don’t assume that the other parties concerned are no longer interested in you and what you do. You’re simply approaching a period during which you’ll value your privacy enormously and while enjoying your own company, you’ll know deep down that whoever else is involved is never far away.

Every now and again, you feel in danger of losing your identity within a certain framework. Look forward to being given the reassurance that you’re highly valued by the other people involved and put any doubts you’ve had in that respect down to your vivid imagination. Why question your abilities when there’s no need to?

Related article: Your Complete Horoscope For June 2020

Tired though you may be of debating on-going problems about work or money, you must knuckle down and seek solutions. Be especially alert around mid-July, when the Sun, jostling with Jupiter and Pluto, forces you to decide which matters are the most pressing and which can be deferred. It’s the key issues that count.

All the attention you’ve had to pay to joint projects will pay off eventually, so don’t feel disheartened when minor failings are highlighted by someone who envies you and your skill set. Evidence will soon emerge that what you do is given credence by almost everyone else concerned, so the odd little snipe can be ignored.

Upsetting though it may be to analyse disputes in a close relationship, you’ll profit from it in the end. Around 12 July, when Mercury’s three-week retrograde phase is over, you and the other person involved should begin to see things more optimistically. At last, you’ll be ironing out wrinkles that have persisted for too long.

By addressing misgivings someone has had about one of your more inventive schemes, you should be free to sift out any genuine flaws. And from that point on, you’ll find you can concentrate on delivering the best possible outcomes while knowing that you haven’t been in any way irresponsible or neglectful. Nor would you be.

Related article: Your Complete Horoscope For May 2020

Having known you should be more attentive when it comes to health or safety issues, you’ll suddenly realise that this is the time to act. Not only will you feel much better for it, you’ll also avoid the nagging voice of someone who’s desperate for you to take better care of yourself. On the 5th, you’ll finally indulge in something irresistible.

Be ready to reorganise the contribution you make to the wider world. Sober Saturn is moving backwards to a very powerful section of your chart, highlighting the need for you to operate in a much more disciplined and formal way than usual. Will it be laborious? Possibly. Will it benefit you in the long term? Enormously. Deep-rooted anxieties about a plan will fade away on the 8th.

Once you’ve compared notes with loved ones, you should be able to enhance aspects of your home and family life you’ve found unsatisfactory. Note, though: You can sometimes come across as bossy or controlling. Strive to address everybody in a way that makes them feel included and heard.

Proving how responsible you are regarding property or finances is essential—certain individuals have been wondering if they can leave important matters in your hands. While any problem they have is of their own making, you’ll go the extra mile to show that worries about your diligence and expertise are unfounded.

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