What’s In Store For You In January Based On Your Star Sign

What’s In Store For You In January Based On Your Star Sign

What does the start of the year have in store for you?


All collage artwork here courtesy of collage artist Pythagoras’ Child. For more information pertaining these astrological images, please visit the artist’s instagram @PythagorasChild.


Fresh off the new year, Aries individuals are ready to dive back into the rat race of their career. The new year’s energy manifests itself as a desire to make the most of a fresh start and reinvent your image. This is a good time to add a new skill to your resume, embark on a new project or reorganise your work system. Get rid of the clutter and old projects that no longer have any bearing on you and focus on charging ahead. This month promises plenty of opportunities for you to shine and improve your status. However, you must keep an eye open for these opportunities and not let them slip by you. Take advantage of this prosperous time.


The lunar eclipse this month promises a time where you start to truly realise who will stick by you through thick and thin. Bonds with friends and family will be strengthened this month. This is also a good time to change your attitude towards your love life or learn to let go of past relationships. Focus on what you have now and cherish the people who are already in your life. Friendships have a potential to turn romantic. However, be careful as you may rush to promise things you cannot fulfill. This can lead to needless conflicts. Learn to treat those you love within reason. Balancing your time and social life is most important this month.


Aries individuals are looking to make some serious changes concerning their health this month. While most people are ready to make and happily forget their new year’s resolutions, that’s not you. You are willing to do what it takes to take care of both your physical and mental health. This month blesses you with the energy and motivation to achieve your goals. However, you must still practice some caution. Make sure you always take time to warm up, stretch and drink plenty of water. Remember that slow relaxing exercises can help you just as much as rigorous routines. Those experiencing winter fever may find themselves recovering this month.


While this month has a high chance of a windfall, either from starting a new project, from a benefactor or from one of your other investments, you must still practise some restraint. Aries individuals may become too excited with their new gains and be at fault of over or excessive spending. Make sure you keep some control and resist reaching for the bank book. Avoid quick cash schemes. If you must spend money, consider investing it in long term projects that can ensure you will get your returns. They may be slow progressing, but they will ultimately be the much safer option.

Lucky Dates: 12th, 13th, 25th, 26th

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While most other signs are ready to dive straight back into work, Taurians may not be so rash. More likely, you will take a step back and observe the waves and patterns before dipping your toes back into the water. This is a good time to make changes to your working routine. Taurus individuals usually do not like to make changes to their lives, but slowly integrating new organisational systems or working methods can help you adjust to them better. Slow and steady wins the race this month. Do not feel compelled to rush or push yourself if you can’t. Keep an eye out for potential benefactors or skilled colleagues who can aid you in your work while you take time to recharge.


This is the time of the month where many Taurians may feel a strong need to take life by the reins and become more independent. This doesn’t mean you’ll want to spend more time alone. Instead, it means that you’ll want to be more in control when it comes to your relationships and social life. You know what you want and you can clearly see what others want of you. This clarity helps you in choosing the right relationships or in ridding yourself of unwanted or harmful relationships. However, be careful as you can come off too bold or demanding. Use your confidence wisely; it can be an attractive trait.


Like with love, this month, you want to take more control over your health. Physical health is of major importance to you and signing up or renewing your gym membership can be great ways to live out that need. However, you may feel some of your control slip when it comes to maintaining your diet or taking care of pre-existing health problems. You may wish to ignore these and take care of them on your own, but this month, you should consider scheduling a doctor’s check-up. Friends and family members can also offer helpful advice, but only if you are open about any ailments you are experiencing. Remember, you don’t need to be the only one looking out for your health.


As you are taking a step back this month to observe your surroundings and take better control of other areas of your life, your finances may take a step back this month. They may be stagnant this month, but it’s better than your financials taking a dip. Expected income may not come in on time or there could be setbacks to your investments or projects. It is a good idea to take precautions to shore up your investments and financial pools. Otherwise, consider laying low when it comes to any big financial decisions. This is a good period to just observe and breathe.

Lucky Dates: 14th, 15th, 23rd, 24th


Many Geminians may enter the workplace with an idea for a new start or change, however, you may not be able to make these changes as earnestly as you want to this month. You may have to turn to more subtle methods to get what you want. There will be opportunities for you to evolve and grow in the workplace, but you must not be too hasty. Geminians can be good at becoming a listening ear to others. Use this to aid you in getting people on board with your ideas or plans. Do not seek to manipulate others, just appeal to their own wants and desires. You will find success surrounding yourself with talented people.


Geminians may be caught up in their heads this month. With the new year, you have a lot to think about as you turn over and reevaluate what you want out of your love life. Those around you may not understand that you need this time to yourself to just think. This may cause conflicts spawned from misunderstandings. However, they are only caring about you. Learn not to read too much into their words as you ponder the greater questions of your love life. You may feel yourself drawn to more intellectual and emotionally stimulating conversations this month. Pursuing artistic interests such as poetry or visiting art galleries can be a great way to meet new people to connect with.


This month sees your health taking on a comfortable status quo. This is a good time for settling into a routine you’ve been following or signing up for a new relaxing sport. Take note, this doesn’t mean your health will improve or fail, rather that you will be in a comfortable period of health. Avoid pushing yourself or trying to stretch your limits this month; instead, keep to what you know works for you. This is a good time to exercise your creative spirit though, as it takes a big leap this month. Work on your ideas. This is a thought-provoking time. Meditation can be a great way to exercise your mind.


You may experience a small windfall in your finances this month; most likely your investments are paying off or you will receive a small bonus. However, the rest of the month may be unsatisfying to you as this is not the period for any significant change or any extra income. This is a good time to lay low as you are not in an action phase of your life. Consider holding off investments until the next month and avoid making any hasty decisions. Charitable ventures that aid others may still be a way for you to relieve some of that dissatisfaction.

Lucky Dates: 13th, 14th, 21st, 25th


Cancerians may not yet feel ready to return to the grind of work. Some part of you still wants to cling onto the holidays and this is completely natural. Do not be afraid to take your time to slowly get back into a rhythm when it comes to work and career. Some Cancerians may feel that the best thing to do is throw themselves right back into work, but this may cause you more stress than relief. Just relax and sort out whatever problems or conflicts you may have outside of work before you slowly push back into the routine of things. Your emotional wellbeing will affect how well you can focus.


This may be a rather rocky month for love and relationships. Possible conflicts and misunderstandings may arise between you and your partner or your family members. Feelings may be particularly prickly this month. You may feel conflicted about how you wish to start the year concerning your love and social life. Now is a good month to take some time for yourself and look inwards. Learn to be the voice of reason and keep your cool to diffuse conflicts before they arise. Let others know you need your own time now to sort out your feelings and thoughts before you dive right back into meeting people. Remember, do things on your own time.


You are blessed with steady health this month; however, your main focus will be your mental health. You may feel very emotionally exhausted or unmotivated when it comes to having to sort out your affairs or face problems. Again, it is alright to take your time and put your needs first. This is a good time to pamper yourself or pick up a new sport that has always interested you. Consider scheduling a spa day or doing a productive activity that you enjoy so you don’t feel like you’ve wasted a day. Don’t be afraid to just go all out and enjoy yourself. Just remember that you deserve it.


Money will come in steadily at the beginning of this month, then likely increase as time goes on. You may feel frustrated in the beginning as you sort out your mental affairs and take time to prep yourself for the rest of the year. This is normal, as inspiration takes time to take hold. Keep pushing your current projects and appreciate the progress you’ve made. However, if you would rather take the time off to revitalise your mental health, it will just as good an idea.

Lucky Dates: 15th, 16th, 25th, 26th


Leo individuals look to start this year off with a bang. You may find yourself jumping onto the next big idea or creating and pushing something entirely original on your own. This month, you are raring to go and thing are progressing nicely. However, they will not always be the rush that you look forward to. There will be many times where you need to sit down and discuss the technical aspects of your project or set up meetings and schedules to ensure everything is on track. People will be happy to support your ideas as well, but be careful of misunderstandings that may arise from your own enthusiasm. Otherwise, enjoy this time of immense productivity.


January seems like a successful month for love, the only problem is that your time may be taken up by other areas of your life. This can be difficult as not only does your family want to spend more time with you, but you also feel a strong attachment to them this month. Single Leos may feel the itch to dive back into dating since the market for love seems so appealing now, but may be torn with career duties. You’ll have no choice but to learn to manage your time. Right now, partners who support and encourage your career success are most attractive to you. Ensure you keep others informed of your plans and be open with them.



Leo individuals are blessed with an increase in energy this month. The universe has blessed you with all you need to fulfill the many plans and projects you have ongoing. Spend some of this energy towards bettering your health. While you may not be as fueled for hardcore sports or daredevil feats, taking daily walks outside or picking up yoga can be great in keeping yourself fit and mentally in shape. Keeping up your social game can also be relaxing to you. However, always take care when you’re out with friends. Avoid the temptation of the drink and don’t take any excessive risk this month. Take on simple sports and exercises instead. Save the stunts till next month.


Finances may be somewhat shaky this month, especially with all your energy and focus dedicated to improving other aspects of your life. You may even find that you have to spend some of your funds towards advancing your career or taking care of your family. This isn’t a bad thing, but it can leave your wallet feeling a little light. Budgeting out your needs can help you get through this month, but you may want to employ someone else to help you keep control of the cheque book.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 3rd, 30th, 31st


There’s a high chance that many a Virgoan never really stopped working even during the holidays. You’re always planning for the next thing, getting your affairs in order and readying yourself for the start of the new year. Some may call you workaholics, but this is simply how most of you relax. Luckily, all your hard work and dedication pay off, giving you a head start at the beginning of the year. Be careful though, as while your boss will love your Moxy, others may see you as a challenge. Focus on rebuilding the relationship between you and your colleagues. Having the support of others will be a great boon to you this month.


As important work and career is to a Virgoan, their family and partner will always take priority. Unfortunately, the eclipse in January may make this a difficult time for you to build or mend relationships. There is a higher chance for misunderstandings and there is likely to be time constraints on your part as you dive back into work. The best thing you can do is make the most of it. Do not set your expectations high, but always keep your optimism. There will be times where negative situations can actually be blessings in disguise. Single Virgoans should always keep an eye out should romance fall their way. Potential partners may walk into your life without you knowing. 


Like with other areas of your life, health is an important topic to a Virgoans. This month, you may feel the need to pay more attention to your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Small changes will bring about great results, but first you must look to make these changes. Luckily, this month blesses you with high energy needed to make those changes both mentally and physically. Be careful though, as this high energy may come at the expense of you feeling you need to eat more to supplement it. Watch out for carb heavy or greasy foods that may affect your figure. Consider healthy snacks instead, such as granola, nuts or fruit.


The good news is that this is a key time to look over your finances and clear up any loans or debt that you owe. However, this may leave your current assets a little shaky. This is one of those months where you may prefer to just hunker down and avoid making any financial decisions. However, take solace in the fact that once you have cleared up all that you owe, you will be able to start next month with a much cleaner slate and better peace of mind. What you spend now will go to the benefit of yourself in the future.

Lucky Dates: 14th, 15th, 29th, 30th

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Those born under the Libra sign do not quite want to get out of the holiday spirit just yet. Right now, career just isn’t your main focus. You can’t force yourself to get back into the working attitude straight away and in truth, you would rather focus on yourself. This is not a bad thing, but you may not be able to achieve the results that you would want. There is not much you can do except keep your head down and try to do what you can until this period of internal reflection has passed. While your career may be stagnant this month, rest assured your new perspective on life is a refreshing breeze to many of your colleagues.


The stagnancy you feel in your career life may spill over to your love life. As you still feel reluctant to leave behind the holiday spirit, having to do so may make you feel grumpy. The normally amorous Libra individual may feel resistant towards affection and romance. All you want to do is spend some time re-calibrating your senses for the new year. This can seem like a sudden change to your friends, family and partner which can cause conflicts or misunderstandings. Just let it be clear that you need some time to yourself. Be open and honest about your feelings and let bygones be bygones. Eventually, you will return to your usual affectionate self before the end of the month.


Your health is most important this month, especially your mental health. The year starts out slowly and that’s just fine. It’s time to listen to your body and your mind to find out what you really want and need for this year. Make sure to get plenty of rest and keep yourself hydrated. Avoid draining exercises. Instead, supplement them with relaxing activities such as yoga, daily walks and meditation. You may feel a bit restless, but taking care of your wellbeing is more productive than you know. This is your time now, so indulge a little and do what you need to do for yourself. Your body will thank you for it.


Your finances look a little shaky for January. Like yourself, your finances need time to recover from the holidays and gift giving. You may have to live on a budget for a while. Like your wellbeing, do not rush back into trying to invest or earn back your income. You will only burn yourself out. Instead, make sure you have a steady budget to adhere to and that you don’t jump into anything without proper research. Take your time. You will be able to pull it all back if you take it slowly.

Lucky Dates: 12th, 13th, 29th, 30th


Scorpios have kept on top of their game this month. You come out running from the starting line, but while opportunities will arise and you will be able to make much headway on your own terms, you may encounter several obstacles or delays to your work. Working in a large group may cause you more headache and actually even halt the work on some projects. You have to work on getting back into a cohesive relationship with your colleagues. This can be difficult, but if you find someone who can match your level, you should hold onto them. This is both an opportunistic and frustrating time. You’ll have to learn to cope and adapt to the situation accordingly.


Scorpios that run a business or work with their partner may find themselves renewing a certain spark. Romance can happen in the workplace and is most prominent with the people who are on the same wavelength with you. If you can work well together, there’s a chance you might ‘work’ together. Scorpios that do not share work with their partner may find it a bit difficult to agree on issues. This is especially true when it comes to issues of money or children. You should try to avoid these arguments and keep your head down. Consider starting an activity together in order to draw closer together.


While the Scorpio is often a solo player, having someone join you or sport you this month could be invaluable. Not only can you build up a relationship, but it will also keep you from overstepping your limits. Health is slightly more fragile this month, though you still feel the same levels of energy. You have to be careful and avoid long journeys, high-risk sports or dangerous activities. You may be prone to being more careless, so ensure you think before you do anything. Make sure to stretch and keep hydrated as the dry season starts up. And remember, having someone around to help you is a good idea.


Finances are looking fairly good this month. Scorpios always have a plan and this month is no different. You will be able to increase your income and wealth through ventures that align with your own creativity and interests. Side businesses that involve teaching, childcare and social services will be most profitable this month.

Lucky Dates: 4th, 5th, 21st, 22nd


Sagittarians may be eager to dive back into work, fresh off the energy and high off the holidays. You are a whirlwind to others, ready to handle the workload that awaits you. While you may find yourself busy with work, you’ll always have time to mingle with your colleagues and ask how their holidays were. Right now, people are your greatest assets and you feel truly alive when surrounding yourself with bright minds and hard workers. They can help you get through the work that you need as well and you can help brighten up their day with your own fierce optimism. So focus on networking this month.


Small conflicts concerning finances may spring up this month, but they are unlikely to lead to anything big. Budgeting your assets together can serve to bond, especially since this month may see you opening up your wallet to spoil or search for a partner. This is a successful month for both single and attached Sagittarians. Those with similar interests will find a surge in passions for each other. Single Sagittarians should focus on clubs or groups that share their interests if they want to look for a potential partner. There will be many opportunities for you to find someone. Sagittarians with families will feel especially blessed this month.


Your health is generally good this month, however, previous injuries or illnesses may crop up again. Don’t be afraid to look through your medical history and pinpoint possible returning ailments before they fully show up. Your health is also tied to the health of your bank account. As this may be a time where you need to spend more, you will always feel less stressed if you have a proper budget in place. Otherwise, this is a good time to go for slow stamina building exercises such as swimming, running or rock climbing. Take advantage of this period of good health and start the year off right!


By now, you’re probably aware that budgeting is going to the be the biggest priority for this month. You likely have to spend more on your personal life or to fortify and further your career. However, money may not always be steadily pouring in this month and it’s up to you to ensure that you do not go overboard. This can be a steady year for finances if only you plan properly and understand what you have to spend and what you need to spend. Knowing the difference can be vital to you this month.

Lucky Dates: 21st, 22nd, 29th, 30th


Like many other signs, Capricorns may feel that they cannot so easily jump back into building their career. You’ve worked hard for the whole of last year and right now, your body is trying to make up for all the breaks that you didn’t take. Even more importantly, you may be trying to make up for all the time you couldn’t spend with your loved ones. Don’t be afraid to take it slow this time. Do not look for any heavy workloads and take this time to reorganise yourself. People can forgive you for needing time to focus on your internal affairs before you can shine outwardly in your career.


Your family and friends may notice a change within you. You have a new energy for life, a zest for something new and exciting. While you’re raring to rush ahead, you have to take note of the feelings of those around you. When you set your mind to something, you can become too focused on that one goal instead of those who matter. This is a time for celebration and young love though. Single Capricorns who find partners this month can be assured they are in for a very fun and heartwarming time together. Attached Capricorns might find a new spark in their relationships. Listen to your heart, but consult your head every now and then.


Your internal energy has a new fire and spark, but physically, you may still need to bundle up before you go out. Capricorns who suffer from joint pains or arthritis should take extra care this month. Exercises that focus on exercising the muscles in a slow and easy fashion are the most preferred. Consider activities such as yoga, jogging or swimming. Creative endeavours that allow you to express yourself, such as new hobbies, can also be good for you to spend your energy.


Capricorns will feel most reassured when it comes to matters concerning their finances. The investments and projects you have built up continue to steadily bring in income and returns. Bringing in family members or friends with financial background to help you manage your business can also make things even easier on you. Take solace in the fact that things will happen naturally and you do not need to do too much in managing your finances this month.

Lucky Dates: 10th, 11th, 25th, 26th


As the buzz and cheer of the holidays start to die down, Aquarians may find themselves in an office full of signs that have not gotten back into the working mood. While most people may feel sluggish re-entering the office, Aquarians feel restless. While you are eager to get a jump start on your creative projects, your energies are not yet focused. In fact, you may be rather scattered during this month. You may want to take more time to focus yourself, but if you do choose to work, you will find there are many opportunities for you to slowly refocus your energy and get you back on track in your work.


New year, new you. That is the motto of many Aquarians this month and it rings very true. Before you can focus on finding love from others, you need to learn to get yourself in order. Be it your mental, emotional or physical health, this is a good year to focus on taking care of your needs and wellbeing. Promoting a healthier attitude can also help you grow closer to your family members. Single Aquarians can consider signing up for a gym membership or joining an aerobic class. You have a higher chance of meeting someone who shares your interests of reinventing your health this month. Attached Aquarians can grow closer to their partners the same way.


As before, this is a good month to focus on your internal and external health. However, you may also feel lazy after the holidays. Once you find the proper motivation, nothing can stop you, but you have to find it first. Make sure that you always put yourself in the focus of all your activities. Never do anything that you don’t want to do or feel that you are being forced to do. All exercises should go into making you feel better about yourself. As this month may be dry, remember to keep hydrated and avoid long travels.


For many signs, January is a shaky month when it comes to finances. Aquarians will experience no different. While you fair better than most other signs, you may find yourself having to reach for the bank book more often this month. Aquarians are not the most careful with budgeting and this is something you will have to pay attention to especially this month. You may feel a need to splurge on others or invest in something for the sake of someone else. Always think twice before you do anything.

Lucky Dates: 12th, 13th, 25th, 26th


Pisces people have been uniquely blessed this month. While most signs feel either scattered, unfocused or reluctant to let go of the holidays, Pisceans are one of the few who turn up ready to work. They may, however, resist recognising this fact. Self-doubt will be your biggest pitfall this month. So take some time to look in the mirror and tell yourself you are blessed and ready to tackle this coming year. There will be many opportunities for you, but only if you hurry and grasp them. You may find most other people are more willing to negotiate or accept things post-holiday. So take advantage of this time. You must be the one to make the first move to gain the most success.


January is a good month for you to expand your social circles. Your calm and deeply intuitive nature is refreshing and attractive to most other people. You yourself may feel friendlier and more open to other people. You will likely make many friends during this time which can help boost your internal image of yourself. Attached Pisceans will find that their partners are more devoted and loving this month. Single Pisceans should consider taking on more charitable endeavours or attending humanitarian gatherings to meet someone.


Many Pisceans are blessed with wonderful physical health this month. You feel ready to handle anything physically, but emotionally, you may need a little bit of help to grow. You need to realise that this new year is a fresh and exciting start for you. You have the power to make anything you want out of your life now and you shouldn’t hesitate to seize the opportunity as it presents itself to you. Go ahead and pamper yourself a little this month. Go to a spa, book a massage or go on a reasonable shopping spree to bring up your spirits. Talking to someone can also help.


Your finances will start out a little slow this month. Like most signs, you will experience an increase in expenditure. You will have to be careful with money, especially if other people ask you for loans or favours. It is better to avoid them until after you have cleared the budget of this month. Always set aside something for yourself, but be wise and reasonable about it. If you can make it through this month, better things will await you in the future.

Lucky Dates: 10th, 11th, 14th, 15th

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