Your Complete Horoscope for July 2018

Happy birthday, Cancer and Leo!


Having been disappointed in a business deal, you may wonder whether you can summon up the courage to engage in a similar
project. This month, one will come your way that you should meet head-on.

LUCKY DAY: The 11th. Your hidden talents are shown off to your benefit.

You’ll turn your attention from issues in your personal life to more outward-looking concerns. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly find that you can analyze a complex setup so well that you not only make sense of it but are able to profit from it.

LUCKY DAY: The 19th. Others at last stop looking to you for all the answers.

You've been secretive about certain events, intriguing those close to you. Now you may decide to reveal what you know.

LUCKY DAY: The 13th. Creativity fills a space in your heart.

Your lack of motivation in dealing with home or family matters may have caused them to worsen. But by mid-month you’ll have a surge of energy that will boost your spirits and spur you to address what’s wrong.

LUCKY DAY: The 6th. Kind, loving gestures will be returned tenfold

People steering you toward the spotlight will want what's best for you, so don't be too critical when they urge you to take on greater challenges. Perhaps they see something in you that you haven't yet recognized.

LUCKY DAY: The 7th. Convention is turned upside down and everyone wins.

You may decide to rework aspects of your finances or business affairs that have fallen into a bit of a rut. You’ll need to exercise caution, though, to keep from doing more harm than good.

LUCKY DAY: The 2nd. Brave new thinking showers you with bouquets, not brickbats.

Errors that you or others made in a financial venture in the past shouldn’t discourage you from getting your feet wet again. A number of plans will be discussed that are virtually guaranteed to be foolproof.

LUCKY DAY: The 8th. By seizing a heaven-sent opportunity, you’ll forge ahead.

A journey that captures your imagination this month could wind up
being quite pricey.You needn’t be put off, however. Just take the necessary steps to ensure that it won’t cost more than you can afford.

LUCKY DAY: The 27th. Barriers are lifted and there will be no stopping you.

Hitches and glitches have hampered your progress in a work situation or other area of responsibility, but in mid-August you can
move forward confidently and bring whatever’s been delayed to a successful conclusion.

LUCKY DAY: The 10th. Others remind you of where your future truly lies.

Every now and then you enjoy taking a gamble on something that seems exciting but could bankrupt you if it fails. Be extra careful in early August, when you mistakenly think you can have fun without paying a huge price in the end.

LUCKY DAY: The 9th. A new attitude toward a particular person proves life-changing.

Not everyone will agree with your view of someone you find appealing. Let things happen, but promise yourself that you won’t be crushed if the outcome is different from the one you want.

LUCKY DAY: The 13th. You explore unfamiliar territory without looking back.

By pushing yourself hard, you’ll achieve a tremendous amount in areas that others find daunting. But try not to get so carried away that you feel invincible. Like everyone else, you have weak points.

LUCKY DAY: The 23rd. Embracing family developments enhances your life.

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