Your Complete Horoscope For September 2021

Your Complete Horoscope For September 2021

Happy birthday, Virgo and Libra!

Virgo Libra Horoscope

Happy birthday, Virgo and Libra! Find out what this month has in store for you.

Rather than panic when expected to produce something ingenious, tap into a vein of creativity you often overlook. You’ve been typecast in a role that fails to allow you to put your talents to the best use, but you’re about to be given a chance to show who you really are and what you can do.

Be careful not to overpromise when negotiating financial or work-related matters with someone you wouldn’t want to disappoint. Uranus opposing Venus could distort your thinking when determining the best way to move forward. It’s more vital than ever to make accurate assessments of money coming in and going out. Reality mustn’t give way to fantasy.

When people want to gatecrash an event organised for yourself and someone special, you’ll wonder if you should tolerate the intrusion. But you’ll quickly realise that in the end, nobody would be happy with the outcome, especially if you were to show your resentment. Be upfront and put boundaries in place.

Although there’s nothing wrong with taking it easy for a while, you might become restless if you feel you’re no longer part of the action. A small group of individuals would like nothing more than to collaborate with you on a venture. Hear what they have to say before committing yourself—or not.

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Unexpected developments will present you with a moral maze that mustn’t undermine your confidence. You’ve managed restrictions placed on you extremely well, but a Mercury-Saturn link will encourage you to bend if not break one or two rules. Don’t be too proud to ask those you trust implicitly for help in making some crucial decisions.

Acknowledge that you have itchy feet, having felt constricted in your movements for far too long. With some careful planning, you can arrange a journey or get-together that will boost your spirits. And remember, there might be one or two individuals close by who would like to be included but are too polite to suggest it.

The sudden urge to enter into a shared enterprise in mid-September could lead you into fascinating territory. But promise yourself that before very long, you’ll have tied up any loose ends and made sure everything is safe and secure. The thrill of what you’re doing mustn’t distract you from putting checks and balances in place.

No one could accuse you of being lazy, but there’s one specific area that has suffered from neglect recently. And you would do well to acknowledge the needs of one particular individual who has almost certainly been left to struggle alone. Is it your fault? Not especially. Can you make a huge difference? Definitely.

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However well meaning your intentions are, you mustn’t overreact to what feels like rejection from someone close. Towards the end of the month, when Mercury appears to move backwards, the appreciation you initially felt for your support will cool. Put it down to misinterpretation and give it time.

Refuse point blank to adopt strategies suggested by somebody else when it comes to a family, household or professional dilemma. Initially, it will all seem to make sense. But you’ll soon start to see holes appearing in the logic of what’s involved. That’s the point at which you have to call a halt and start over.

Others may not be as scrupulous as you are regarding partnership and joint financial or property dealings. If a petty political matter crops up, you must try to clarify it immediately. Any criticism of your tactics must be ignored and you have to keep convincing yourself that you know best—which you do.

Unusual, perhaps even wacky, ideas will spring to mind. And although a Sun-Uranus connection will make you feel invincible, companions may doubt your judgement. Consider the points being raised. Yes, you’re ready for change and challenges. But not without conducting a full risk assessment.

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