How To Take Perfect Photos Of Your Kids Every Time

How To Take Perfect Photos Of Your Kids Every Time

The co-founder of White Room Studio shares five easy ways

white room studio

Established in 2009, White Room Studio has earned a reputation as the go-to photography studio for beautiful family portraits.Co-founder Elaine Lim shares five insider tips on how to coax out the personality of a child through a photo.

1. First of all, play and engage! Always be willing to be silly, and it’ll also help to prepare a song or even a dance to interact with your subject. This makes the shoot fun for everyone, and helps capture the most natural and brilliant smiles.

2. Prepare a lot of bubbles, snacks and stickers for the kids to catch their attention.

3. Shoot a lot with the burst-mode — whereby multiple shots are captured in quick succession—to ensure you do not miss any of those million-dollar smiles from your little ones.

White Room Studio

Shoot in burst mode to ensure you never miss a moment

White Room Studio

4. Patience is extremely important when shooting with kids, as you cannot demand for poses and expressions from them. Instead, be generous with praise and rewards to encourage children to interact for the camera.

5. Start off with a semi-DSLR camera with auto-modes for beginners. Natural light is the easiest kind of lighting to start out with, so get out there and have fun in the garden or beach!

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