The Resolutions The BAZAAR Editors Are <i>Not</i> Going To Keep

The Resolutions The BAZAAR Editors Are <i>Not</i> Going To Keep

Hello 2017, goodbye resolve

bazaar singapore resolutions

Kenneth Goh, Editor-in-Chief

I know I spoke about embracing more of my quirks and trying out things that I said I won't normally do. Unfortunately the brown debate still stays — as much as I would like to be encapsulate Mother Nature on my body, I stop at burgundy and maroon as the furthest I would go to wear colours of the earth (or autumnal leaves for that matter). And orange? Well let's say I'll consider in 2018.

Joyce Cheo, Senior Beauty Writer

This year, I resolve to streamline my beauty routine... not! More is more!

Charmaine Ho, Executive Editor

I wish it wasn't so but I'm running out of space and need to stop buying shoes. Unless, of course, they're a pair of McQueens; or Hardys; Atwoods or Kirkwoods. Or they sparkle and are of an interesting colour. Or black. Or have a really sexy silhouette or standout detail. Or not. Then all bets are off the table.

Dana Koh, Lifestyle Editor

This year, I want to continue pleasing everyone... NOT. Ladies, 2017 is for you to do you.

Gerald Tan, Associate Fashion News Editor

This year, I will exercise more... not! I'm terrified of the gym and I'm counting on my metabolism to help me squeeze into those size zero samples — for now. I'll pick up a dumb bell (or two) when the inevitable happens.

Windy Aulia, Senior Fashion Editor

This year, I will quit procrastinating and keep on telling myself everyday: “I’ll quit tomorrow!” (Probably not.)

Annabelle Fernandez, Sub Editor

This year, I resolve to wear more colour in 2017... not!

Pakkee Tan, Digital Writer

This year, I will give up eating too much sugar... not! Okay, maybe I'll restrict myself to just ice cream and chocolate. Sue me, I'm human!

Debby Kwong, Fashion Stylist

This year, I will stop buying printed clothes... not! Who can say no to Dries?

Syed Zulfadhli, Editorial Assistant

This year, I will refrain from uploading post-workout snaps on social media... not! I didn't realise it was a "thing" until people started teasing me about it. But I'll just keep doing it because I can.

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