Team BAZAAR On Staying Inspired During The Circuit Breaker

Team BAZAAR On Staying Inspired During The Circuit Breaker

Whether it's taking peaceful walks in nature, learning a new language or finding solace in a good novel

A BAZAAR cameo in Who Are You, Polly Maggoo
A BAZAAR cameo in Who Are You, Polly Maggoo

Photo: William Klein

A BAZAAR cameo in Who Are You, Polly Maggoo

With the circuit-breaker still in place, we've certainly been given more time to focus on ourselves and recalibrate. Whether it's taking peaceful walks in nature, learning a new language or finding solace in a good novel, Team BAZAAR shares how we've been staying inspired during this period of self-isolation.

Kenneth Goh, Editor-In-Chief

Gardens By The Bay

Photo: Kenneth Goh

Gardens By The Bay

These early morning walks to Gardens by the Bay which are my daily sanctuary to build positive energy, be in touch with Mother Nature and find peace and solitude amongst flora and fauna cleanses my mind and sets me up for the day. Nothing is more inspiring than seeing what beauty nature has.

Charmaine Ho, Executive Editor

The Great Railway Bazaar, Paul Theroux

Photo: Charmaine Ho

The Great Railway Bazaar, Paul Theroux

Body may be stuck on this little red dot but my mind's been travelling all across Asia, thanks to Paul Theroux's The Great Railway Bazaar. It's my second time reading this but it's still as magical as I remember.   

Windy Aulia, Creative Director

What is Lingua Franca? I've always been inspired by languages; etymology, sign language, ancient language, accents, dictionary, body language, anything got to do with languages you name it, I like them. So during circuit breaker, the kids and I have been busy playing with the Duolingo app in the effort of picking up a third language. They are attempting to learn basic Mandarin and Japanese, while I...let's just say I haven't graduated from 'buongiorno' and 'mamma mia'. It's the thought that counts, non?

Daphne Tso, Senior Art Director

Angkor Wat

Photo: Getty

Angkor Wat

To me, the incredible history of Angkor Wat is fascinating, it is the largest religious monument in the world. Visiting 100 temples and sculptures by Google Street view around Angkor Wat, via a 360 degree perspective, is one of the best things to do during self-quarantine.

Jeffrey Yan, Associate Fashion Director

A BAZAAR cameo in Who Are You, Polly Maggoo

Photo: William Klein

A BAZAAR cameo in Who Are You, Polly Maggoo

I've been using this time to rewatch old favourites. Now that the rituals of fashion we're so used to - the shoots, the shows - have been put on hold, I find myself drawn to old-fashion films that captured the industry's most fabulous fantasies from a bygone era (and yes, its dark side and problematic moments too). My favourites are Funny Face (1957), Who Are You, Polly Maggoo? (1966) and Blow-Up (1966).

Gracia Phang, Associate Style Editor

Have you guys watched these two documentaries Becoming and The Last Dance on Netflix? Because you really, really, REALLY should.

Arissa Ha, Senior Beauty Editor

I've been craving the outdoors and travelling and I found Kraig Adams' solo hiking videos very soothing to watch. It's mostly footage of him hiking in silence, and it's something to look forward to when the world comes out of this pandemic.

Shermin Ng, Senior Digital Writer

I've been turning to design documentaries and films, not only to stave off isolation boredom but also to immerse myself in the fascinating worlds of creative powerhouses. Currently watching: The Staggering Girl, Eames: The Architect & The Painter, and Netflix's docu-series Abstract: The Art of Design.

Stephanie Gracia, Associate Art Director

The Great British Baking Show

Photo: Getty

The Great British Baking Show

I've been using my #stayhome time to watch more food, cooking and baking shows on Netflix. Ugly Delicious, The Great British Baking Show, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner, The Final Table.. you name it. The shows inspire me to get myself in the kitchen and try to cook or bake something new.

Vanessa Yong, Contributing Graphic Designer

I've been rewatching some of my all-time favourite movies like The Greatest Showman and Moana. I hope to one day create fun motion graphics like these. I also love how both movies are centered on the themes of bravery and freedom.

Navin Pillay, Contributing Digital Writer

Grace: A Memoir

Photo: Courtesy of Penguin Random House

Grace: A Memoir

Every time I step into a bookstore I almost always end up walking away with a purchase, but never quite get to reading the material. So I’ve taken the extra time during self-quarantine to read them and I’m really loving Grace: A Memoir, a book on the incomparable Grace Coddington. Her tenacity, fantastical fashion spreads and work ethic has been a great source of inspiration.

Margaux Levy, Contributing Digital Writer

I've been missing the gym as of late and have finally been able to motivate myself to exercise at home. Interestingly enough, I'm getting more inspired to pick up dance classes again as I've started to notice that the home workouts I tend to enjoy most are usually dance-related. This 20-minute ballet full-body workout has been a current favourite of mine and I've noticed the changes in my body. I'm feeling stronger, lighter and a lot happier.

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