What’s In Store For You In May Based On Your Horoscope

What’s In Store For You In May Based On Your Horoscope

Here’s a glimpse into what the stars have planned for you. Embrace your destiny and dream big

Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, Taurus

1. Taurus

Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Taurus

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Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Taurus


‘Slow and steady wins the race.’ This has always been a Taurus’ motto. Others may not understand your methodical and practical outlook at first but will come to appreciate what you bring when success rolls around. Stick to your guns and don’t feel that you have to rush more than necessary. Employ your steady outlook to projects. Taurus individuals possess a traditional wisdom that is starting to die out in today’s modern world. While you must adapt to changing times, this practical wisdom is what sets you apart from others and helps you zone in on details. Do not focus entirely on work. Remember a Taurus enjoys being able to enjoy working. Ensure your time is not completely monopolised by your career.


Taurus mellows out heavily this month. With a new moon in Taurus, you wish to seek out comfort and relaxing satisfaction in your relationships. This can be very rewarding when it comes to your family or those you have established strong relationships with overtime. However, it can be difficult when it comes to newer or less familial relations. The smallest slight can set you off and you will have to be on guard this month when it comes to those outside the family. Attached Taurians may feel a bit distant from their partner. Conflicts are possible if you do not learn to control your frustration. This time will pass, but meanwhile, learn to bite your tongue or wait before making judgement.


Physically, your health looks to be on the rise. However, you are still reeling over the mental energy that you had to spend last month. Your greatest challenge will be the mental insecurity you feel trying to pull you down. You have not yet fully recovered your mental strength and this will have an effect on your work and health. The stars advise that you take it easy in the beginning of the month and do not try to strain yourself. If possible, scheduling a vacation during this time would be encouraged. At the very least, do not try to push yourself beyond your current limitation. You are not made to barrel forward mindlessly.


You will be thankful if you saved up last month, as May indicates your expenses may rise this month. You have to be a bit guarded with your wealth and finances. You are not yet ready to collect the fruits from your ventures and projects, and being thrifty isn’t enough. Avoid loaning out money to others this month. At the same time, do not avoid paying off debts as they should not be allowed to linger. The one saving grace this month, is that no matter your financial situation, you will have the support of your family around you to help you through any troubled times. As long as you have someone on your side, you will be able to make it through any obstacle.

Lucky Dates: 4th, 5th, 13th, 14th

Lucky Color: Pastel Green

2. Gemini

Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Gemini

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Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Gemini


Geminians are slowly starting to get back on their feet this month. However, you need to practice extra caution this month. Sudden obstacles or unexpected delays may crop up, so be careful about your promises on deadlines or on projects. Try to keep all restrictions as flexible as possible so that you have room to move should things change. Do not let these sudden challenges put you down either, this is only a temporary blockade that is meant to test your perseverance. Tap into your usual reserve of optimism and energy — you will find that things are not as harsh as they seem. Moderate yourself and look to see what areas you can improve.


May brings a new restlessness to Geminians. You crave thrills or a sense of excitement. Luckily, May also promises many new faces to help fuel your need for something fresh. However, you must be careful as you can be too reckless or hasty in seeking that excitement. You may react or speak before you think, and that can lead to unintended consequences. While you should enjoy this prosperous time, you must learn to be more sensitive during your interactions with others. Do not ignore your desires, but do not them overtake your better judgement. Consider counting to 10 before making any remarks or judgement. Save yourself from regret by taking some caution with your words and actions.


Last month’s high energy and thrill have taken a toll a little on your health. The stars advise you to take it easy and not burn through the energy you do have. As May brings in the season of spring and pollen, those with allergies or sensitive lungs should be especially careful. Those who suffer from asthma should ensure they always keep their inhaler on them. All Geminians should avoid damp or dusty places. Try to stay at home if the weather outside is rainy, humid or cloudy. Ensure you top up on any allergy medication and keep a clean diet free of overly salty or sweet foods. All these measures will pay off in the long term.


Geminians may feel they’ve come to a standstill at the beginning of the month. You may feel you are going nowhere with current projects or that your expenses outweigh your profits. There is a reluctance to actually get on your feet and fix the problem though. You need to pull yourself out of the clouds and address any unresolved issues you may have ignored in the past. Doing so will ensure a much easier and more productive time in the later half of the month. Never think that you cannot improve on what is already there. There is always room for shoring up your finances. You will see the results of your actions quickly.

Lucky Dates: 6th, 7th, 24th, 25th

Lucky Color: Light Orange

3. Cancer

Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Cancer

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Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Cancer


A Cancer’s unique mindset for a ‘people’s first’ approach can serve them well this month. While you will still receive your fair share of obstacles and delays, mostly in the form of standard procedures or irritable colleagues, May promises support. Do not be afraid to seek out others if you feel you are having trouble handling challenges on your own. Your greatest asset is those whom you have established strong business relations with. Help may come from unexpected sources. Do not turn it down. Embrace that side of yourself and look ahead because May is still a fruitful month for you. Enjoy the success that comes from your hard work. You deserve it.


Cancerians may always be a little reluctant about coming out of their shells, but it is especially important this month that you learn to step out of your comfort zone. You have a chance to meet new people and rekindle past relations this month. Going out of your way may lead you to discover something new that you like as well. Always ensure you are enjoying yourself in the end though. For attached Cancerians, now is a good time to try stepping into new territory with your partner. Talk about taking the next step or simply bring it up with your partner that you wish to discuss it. This is a good time to move forward while Spring takes over.


May advises you to trust your gut this month. While your physical health promises to improve this month, it is your inner turmoil that may hinder you. Instead of worrying over your health or happiness, consider taking measures to ensure that your worries do not become reality. Action speaks louder than words. Practice caution this month —while your physical health looks good, it is important not to take it for granted. Avoid stressful situations and remember to visit the doctor for a check up this month. Do not be careless with your diet, but don’t restrict yourself from enjoying a small treat every now and then.


Your finances call for your attention this month. It is important you do not ignore it, but do not completely dedicate yourself to it either. Learn to balance your time as many other areas also need you to pay attention. Your success will come from the decisions you make, so make sure you involve yourself properly in your financial ventures or projects. You do not need to take a hands-on approach, but you must be there to supervise and change direction if needed. Avoid taking on risky ventures or disrupting your current direction if possible though. A sudden change in your finance is not welcomed this month.

Lucky Dates: 4th, 5th, 16th, 17th

Lucky Color: Silver Blue

4. Leo

Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Leo

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Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Leo


Many signs will be looking to a break come May, but Leo individuals should look to strike while the iron is hot. You have a chance to reconnect with an old colleague or business partner this month. Do not be too hasty to jump into every opportunity though. You cannot start something new without finishing something you started earlier. You must decide for yourself what is worth keeping on board and what is worth getting rid of. You cannot put everything on your plate, which may lead to some disagreements within the workplace. One word of advice this month is to consider more direct approaches to getting what you want. Being sneaky won’t aid you at all.


The fiery and romantic Leo looks to give their partner the world, however, sometimes promising the world isn’t as romantic as you think. Your excitable nature can make it difficult to keep the promises you make to your partner. Other areas of your life may make it difficult to even keep the usual promises you make. It is better to avoid overselling yourself to others, whether you are single or attached. Practice modesty and honesty. Understand what you are truly willing to give and what is alright for your partner to ask for. Keep open communication between the two of you, especially when it comes to finance or familial expenses. You will be more relaxed in love as long as you do this.


This month is the same as stepping out of a hot shower — where you feel clean, fresh faced and reenergised. If you have been suffering from any illness or the common cold, you’ll start feeling better come May. Your mind is just as energised as your body, ready to jump into the next big thing or take some new exciting risk for success. However, don’t be too hasty. Your body doesn’t boot up straight away like a robot, instead it needs time to warm up and get ready. Focus your energies this month, don’t let them be too scattered or else you will end up quickly exhausted. Otherwise, this is a good time to slowly get back into your usual workout routines.


May is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to finances. While you may receive some small windfalls here and there, you may also experience higher expenses this month. These expenses can be due to family or work budgets. You have to be careful to balance both your profits and your expenses in order to come out better or in the same position as you started this month. Don’t be afraid of taking on new ventures, but be cautious as they may not pay out immediately this month. This is a good time to try and get rid of older ventures that are no longer profitable as well. They are only deadweight and you must learn to let them go.

Lucky Dates: 1st, 2nd, 10th, 11th

Lucky Color: Light Red

Related article: All The Exciting Events Happening This May

5. Virgo

Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Virgo

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Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Virgo


May is a rather challenging time for Virgo. You may find it hard to find the ground under your feet. New and quick changes are in the cards for this month. Those who try to resist such changes may find themselves swept up by them in the end. Learn to embrace what is to come and don’t be afraid to let go of the status quo or past projects that never came to fruition. Some Virgo individuals may desire to try and avoid such change. While you will have to inevitably experience it, you may be able to escape the worst of it through trips or working abroad. Virgoans looking to take on new ventures will find success.


Virgoans aren’t quite sure where they stand in relation to their friends, family and loved ones this month. Things are starting to settle down, but they haven’t completely established themselves yet. Small conflicts or arguments may still crop up as you struggle to understand the perspective of someone else. However, bonds of trust are slowly starting to be reestablished and you must focus on these positive advancements. Do not let small obstacles or challenges change your mood too drastically. Remember, you have to employ an optimistic outlook if you want a positive outcome. Understand that relationships take time to build up and that it is not just you in the relationship.


May blesses many signs with good health and luckily Virgo is one of these signs. Physically, you are completely fine, but mentally, you may still work yourself sick if you aren’t careful. Learn to shut off your mind for a moment and just relax. You may be overly worried or even paranoid when it comes to your health or the health of others this month. In reality, everything is fine and you are only creating the symptoms you are looking for. It is advisable you visit a doctor this month, only to reassure yourself that nothing is wrong. Otherwise, just try to relax yourself and focus on being happy with your good health and fortune.


Virgoans are slowly settling themselves into a bit of a routine. When it comes to money, you are not completely out of the woods yet, but have become more experienced in handling expenses and unexpected challenges. Remember that you need not shoulder all the burden though. There are people around you willing to help you if you ever find yourself in a difficult situation. The positive connections you make with people over matters of finance will stick with you in the long run. So, don’t panic this month if you find that your fortune has yet to arrive. It will come in time. In the meanwhile you have those around you to support and aid you.

Lucky Dates: 12th, 13th, 26th, 27th

Lucky Color: Light Brown

6. Libra

Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Libra

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Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Libra


Librarians are in a bit of a limbo this month. While you’re more than ready to dive into work and start making a lot of progress, you feel a bit out of sorts when it comes to dealing with people. Libra is normally one of the more adept signs when it comes to socialising, but this month, your colleagues or business partners may just frustrate you. This frustration will pass, but in the mean time, you will have to hunker down and accept both criticism and opinions from your peers. It is alright to debate against their arguments but avoid turning it into a fight. Do not take anything personally. Keep your head down and you will be able to make it through this month.


The introverted bug bites Libra this month. You don’t feel as ready to socialise or spend time with others besides your close personal friends. This can lead to some conflicts or arguments with some people who can’t understand why you suddenly need your own time. Even within your family or close friends, you may feel yourself being a bit picky about the habits of others. People get on your nerves this month, when they don’t do exactly what you want. They shouldn’t have to though and you cannot try to control them. You must learn not to barge in on the lives of others. Instead, take a step back, spend time for yourself and move forward with an open outlook.


Librarians may feel a bit frustrated mentally this month, as your life seems to be riding on highs and lows all the time. You need to learn that you can’t control everything in your life. The moment you let go of this attempt to control things, you will find yourself more relaxed and at ease. Physically, you are not at your peak this month. You must be careful to take plenty of rest and not strain yourself. May is a good month to consider taking a short vacation or taking a break from work. Avoid travelling long distances, however. It is better to stick close to home where you feel comfortable.


Libra individuals may want to keep a bit of a tighter hold on their wallet as they may be more prone to overspending this month. Librarians have a good eye for things of beauty or luxury, but this month you will have to control your urges. Your profit is not yet ready to support any added expenses. Furthermore, the objects you wish to purchase may not give you the joy or fulfilment that you thought they would. It is better to save your money to prepare for unexpected expenses this month. You will be much happier with a heavier wallet than you will be with all your new expensive purchases at the end of the month.

Lucky Dates: 10th, 11th, 26th, 27th

Lucky Color: Pastel Blue

7. Scorpio

Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Scorpio

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Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Scorpio


Scorpios may be feeling a bit tired this month. There seems to be a never-ending stream of work and people just don’t seem to be agreeing with you. While this can be a frustrating time, not everything is working against you. Scorpio individuals have a high chance of meeting new business partners or rekindling old business relationships. There will be new opportunities coming to you in the form of these new acquaintances or old friends. Keep an eye out for them. However, understand that you may not be able to act so quickly on them yet while you deal with your current workloads. Still, keep them on your radar for later.


The full moon on the 18th will begin Scorpios’ period of socialising. You will have a chance to meet many new people, many of whom can become long lasting friends. People are naturally attracted to your wisdom and maturity. At the same time, your family life is thriving this month, as you learn to set limitations that both you and your relatives can be happy with. Attached Scorpios find common ground with their partner. The biggest obstacle may be for those with children, whom may be more careless with the family finances or rebellious against the new rules you are looking to establish. It will take time for them to get used to any new boundaries — be firm, but give them time to adjust.


May is going to be an exhaustive time for you. While you’re running around, meeting new people or setting up the latest business deals, your energy reserves are slowly draining. It is a good idea to attempt to clear out your schedule as much as possible. Taking enough breaks is a necessity and getting at least seven hours of sleep is a must. If possible, May is a good time to take off work and go on a vacation to help you recharge. Leave the work phone at home and just spend some time with yourself, otherwise, you may risk falling ill or being stretched out too thinly. Treat yourself every now and then, you clearly deserve it.


Expenses tend to increase in May, as things start really kicking into gear. Luckily, you are a sign that is prepared for potential losses when it comes to your finance. However, you should still be careful, especially if you are the only person handling the accounting or tax returns. Double check all your paper work, otherwise, it may be safer to hire a professional to handle the detailed numbers and government taxes. You may experience several small windfalls this month, which aid you in keeping afloat of any increased expenditures. Don’t let your guard down all the same, things can change in a heartbeat.

Lucky Dates: 12th, 13th, 26th, 27th

Lucky Color: Venom Red

8. Saggitarius

Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac

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Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac


The fiery and adventurous Sagittarian is all ready to zoom ahead this month when it comes to your career. You are ready to climb the ladder and make it to the top. However, you shouldn’t focus entirely on what will be, when you should be focusing on your current position. Before you can rise in rankings, you need to ensure that your current position is secured or maintained within the company. You may find that you will be tested this month. Several obstacles may be coming your way and you may be the only one with a level enough head to handle them. Show others that you are worth your title in the business.


People confuse you this month. You just can’t seem to understand the motivations of others and will question your friends and family relentlessly about their thinking. This can cause some irritation and lead to conflicts within the household. Your usual fire and passion may leave others feeling burned out and their coldness leaves you feeling icy. It is important that you do not be too nosey or confrontational. Instead, it is better to always walk away from a potential argument and cool off. This hazy period will eventually pass. There is nothing to solve; instead, you only have to understand that it is here for the short term. Learn to give others and yourself time.


Sagittarians’ usual fire and optimism may be a bit dampened by how hectic this month is. Overall, you feel like your mood is just completely brought down this month. It is normal to feel this way, but you must not let it get to you. The clouds will eventually pass to allow the sun to shine. Meanwhile, you should focus on hobbies or activities that help keep your spirits up. Physically, you may feel restless but exhausted at the same time. It is important that you get plenty of rest. May will drain your energy so ensure you eat meals on time and get enough sleep.


Sagittarians may not feel as if they can rise to the occasion when it comes to their finances. While your income promises to be steady and even increase as the month goes on, you may not focus on the profit. Rather, you may zoom in on the increased expenses and forget about your positive wealth. Remember to step back and look at everything. While your expenses may increase, your profit will as well. Keep your head up. You don’t need to heavily manage all your finances, but at least ensure that you are still in control.

Lucky Dates: 1st, 2nd, 10th, 11th

Lucky Color: Fiery Orange

Related article: What's In Store For You In April Based On Your Horoscope

9. Capricorn

Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Capricorn

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Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Capricorn


Capricorns start this month a little bit slow, but start to hit their stride come later part of the month. You may have to be more attentive in the beginning as you may feel a bit out of touch with your work at first. Afterwards, you start diving into your career path with a new focus and renewed clarity. Capricorns finally find their stride in May and it shows in their work and results. Capricorns who have less restrictions placed on them or are allowed to exercise some creativity will find more success this month. Look forward to the things you can do, it is time that you start being able to enjoy your work and business once more.


Usually cautious and practical, Capricorns aren’t well known for being very open with their inner feelings or their willingness to take risks in love. It’s time to change that this month, however. You will find more success if you learn to put yourself out there. Attached Capricorns should seek to be more open and honest with their partners. Single Capricorns should consider trying a new hobby or activity that they may have been too nervous to try before. Luckily, this month, your family and friends are here to support you in your new ventures or decisions as well. So don’t be afraid to take a bit of a leap of faith when it comes to love. You could surprise yourself.


Your body finally catches up to your mind. You feel a new sense of strength and vigour. You are ready to take on new exercises and start pushing your limits or spending your energy. However, be careful, as this newfound energy may leave you feeling a bit overconfident. Do not attempt to rush into new exercises without warming up. Be careful while travelling, as you could be more reckless on the road. Avoid exercises that are too taxing for your current limitations. If you want to work towards more difficult routines, build up slowly. You will get there eventually.


The only difficult area of a relatively easygoing month, is unfortunately Capricorns’ finances. Like many other signs, you may feel an increase in personal or business expenditure. Unfortunately, your income may not be on the rise to help compensate for such costs. While it is nothing major, you still have to be a bit more careful when it comes to spending. You may have to sink some of your money into a project, but not expect to see immediate returns this month. Capricorns working in architecture, real estate or construction may luckily be spared this month. Such projects are also favoured if you must invest in something.

Lucky Dates: 12th, 13th, 26th, 27th

Lucky Color: Silver Grey

10. Aquarius

Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, +Aquarius

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Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, +Aquarius


An Aquarian’s luck in career continues on this month. Remember that people are your greatest asset. You may find new opportunities or business partnerships through meeting new people this month. However, you must be careful about your ego. While you may be in the right when your criticise someone, you must choose your words tactfully. Play the diplomat, even if you are in a superior position. Strive to maintain good relationships and allow others the space to fail on their own merit without you pushing in. New business projects or ventures are encouraged this month. Aquarians looking to travel for work will also prosper.


Aquarians put a greater priority on their personal and familial lives. You are starting to do some spring cleaning on your relationships; whether that be through resolving old conflicts or even physical redecorating or renovation of your household. While you’re focused on the practical side of your relationship though, your partners or family will want for more attention and affection from the softer side of you. These may cause some conflicts as you are not in the mindset to just sit down and offer that affection. It is important to know that taking care of your relationships is more than just resolving old conflicts. It’s about showing you care about your partner’s needs right now.


You feel a bit more irritable this month, and you just aren’t sure why. While physically, you are still burning off the luck from last month, you mentally aren’t quite there yet. You may feel more sensitive to those around you. This sensitivity can lead to brooding and brooding can lead to over indulgence. You may find comfort in junk food or other unhealthy habits, which can undo all the good work you were doing from last month. Watch your diet and incorporate regular exercise into your usual routine. Try to find healthier outlets to vent your frustrations and keep an eye out for any bad habits you may be starting to form.


One reason why Aquarius may feel so unsettled this month is their finances. As your expenses increase, you find that you can’t be as frivolous with your budgets anymore. These expenses do go towards good causes; however, you just can’t see it because you’re frustrated that you need to spend money on necessities in the first place. Learn to stick to budgets and look for more free ways to continue to enjoy your hobbies or spending time with others. Don’t forget that creativity is your greatest asset. Utilise it well this month.

Lucky Dates: 1st, 2nd, 26th, 27th

Lucky Color: Aquamarine

11. Pisces

Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Pisces

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Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac, + Pisces


Pisceans who work in a field that align with their passions or interests will truly thrive this month. Don’t worry, even if you aren’t yet in your dream job, things will still go much easier for you this month. You know how to enjoy yourself while being productive. You know when the time is to work and when is the time to play, which is the biggest advantage you have over other signs. Opportunities will be coming to you steadily, so keep an eye out for anything that can directly benefit you. It is a good time to put your ideas forward, so ensure you have all your materials prepared. Make sure you are ready to answer questions and that nothing will slow or delay you.


Embrace who you are this month. Embrace the people who come into your life and all the opportunities you have to socialise and mingle. Single Pisces have a high chance to meet someone who will catch your eye this month. Even if you are not seeking a partner, look to truly enjoy life and what it has to offer. Surround yourself with good friends and family. Their support will fuel you to strengthen your relationships and reach for your dreams. They are your strength and foundation this month. Look for those who encourage you and stick to your guns even when others judge you. You know what is best for yourself and the people around you should know the same.


Good luck continues, even in your health. Not only do you feel great, you believe that you look great. There is nothing more attractive than a healthy, happy and energised person. Your confidence is a natural attraction to those around you. You are ready to try anything and everything, however, be careful as you can still end up being too scattered. Do not be too hard on yourself if your first few exercises or activities don’t meet your expectations or aren’t yet ready for your skill level. Never give up trying new things this month. Take advantage of your good health and fortune.


Finally, we cap off Pisceans’ good luck with their finances. As you thought, you have little to worry about this month with the promise of small windfalls helping to keep you above any increased expenses. Look forward to receiving more income from your various careers or financial ventures. Invest in areas that help to grow your creativity or hone your interests. Pisceans can also be more charitable this month, donating to any charity of their preference. It will make you feel good and bring in more good karma in future.

Lucky Dates: 17th, 18th, 26th, 27th

Lucky Color: Silvery Red

12. Aries

Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac+Aries

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Pythagoras Child, Horoscope, Astrology, Zodiac+Aries


With Mercury in Aries at the beginning of this month, now is the time to start digging your heels in. Work continues to steadily stream in, and you must not let your guard down. May tosses you a mixed bag this month. While you may have obstacles to look out for, you will also have many opportunities to improve and work on your career path. Do not look down on challenges in your path, they only serve as a reminder that you still have some ways to go. Luckily, Aries is one of the most determined signs when it comes to climbing that work ladder. So, don’t let anything pull down your mood, it’s all part of your success story.


The diplomacy you employed last month must continue this month. While things may seem peaceful on the open waters, lightning is still prone to strike any moment. Close knit families may experience sudden arguments or disagreements that threaten to tear them apart. Aries individuals can either be directly or indirectly involved in these arguments and must learn to adopt a pacifistic and compromising attitude. Talk instead of fight. Luckily, this storminess does not spill over into your love life. Both single and attached Aries individuals may find this a good time to either spend with your partner or meet new people. If you are currently single, travelling or making an effort to enter new hobbyist groups is highly encouraged.


Last month’s message rings true for this month. While an Aries’ energy and drive continue to be high, you must not throw caution to the wind. If anything, you must be even more cautious, as the more hyped up you are, the more you may become reckless or careless. Luckily, your physical health doesn’t suffer very much from your adventurous nature, but you could still do without any cuts or bruises. You must be especially careful when it comes to transportation. If possible, having a temporary chauffeur can save you from an accident or earning yourself a ticket. It may be better to put off any travel plans in the first half of the month as well. Otherwise, take precautions.


May continues to bear fruit this month when it comes to your finances. If you have set up projects last month, they will reaffirm what sort of ventures you should take this month. April was all about setting yourself up for success. Now that that success has come, you must work on strengthening and maintaining your position. Luckily, you are in an excellent position to do so this month. Do not waste this or take this fortunate time for granted. Enjoy it while you can, but do not expect it to last forever if you do not take the necessary measures to secure it. Don’t be afraid to be a bit charitable with your wealth this month either, both towards friends or family.

Lucky Dates: 1st, 2nd, 11th, 12th

Lucky Color: Rose Red

Related article: How To Decorate Your Home According To Your Horoscope This 2019

All collage artwork here courtesy of collage artist Pythagoras’ Child. For more information pertaining these astrological images, please visit the artist’s instagram @PythagorasChild.

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