Your Complete Horoscope For February 2019

Your Complete Horoscope For February 2019

Happy birthday, Aquarius and Pisces!


Photo: Getty


Find out what the month of February has in store for you. Oh, and happy birthday, Aquarius and Pisces! You're sure to have a special month.

Tap into an instinct alerting you to the fears and insecurities of certain individuals. Be willing to make suggestions, even if you know they're likely to be rejected. Tell yourself that you might well make a minor slip-up, but it's the thought that counts - and you'll be proving just how much you care.

Relax and look differently at a journey or ambitious project which, until recently, you have perceived as difficult, if not impossible, to handle. An energy boost around 7 January will help convince you that you have everything required to reach the dizzy heights you've merely dreamt of in the past. Enjoy making it a reality.

No matter how many times you might have promised yourself that you will no longer over-commit to more than you can comfortably manage, you will find one or two new challenges irresistible. That's fine, provided you are determined to reject other responsibilities that should seem less important than they once did.

For some time, you've refused to listen to an inner voice urging you to break away from a situation that's no longer relevant to the life you want. Bringing it to an end won't be easy - these things never are. But deep down, you know it's time to take risks and explore unfamiliar territory.

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Instead of dreading the idea of collaborating with others on a project, you should see it as an opportunity to achieve something worthwhile together. The Sun, Venus and Pluto are combining their energies as if to help ensure that you, especially, become decisive and clear-thinking, yet remain diplomatic.

As you strive to convince a loved one that it's necessary to reassess some aspects of your relationship, you may be perceived as heavy-handed. It's important to do more listening than talking with this person, who isn't thinking as clearly as you are at the moment. You don't have to provide all the answers single-handedly.

Two full moons in January - one on the 2nd, the other on the 31st - will encourage you to use your sixth sense to teach you a great deal about what's occurring in your private life. Those hoping to convince you that you've been handling a delicate situation rather badly should soon be eating their words.

Having steered clear of ongoing commitments that have had little appeal in the past, you'll soon be drawn towards them in a fairly positive way. You'll realize there's much to be gained - on a personal or emotional level - by grappling with tasks that are challenging but prove far more gratifying than you ever imagined.

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If you're to score highly within a competitive field, think in terms of a slow burn rather than immediate results. Even when somebody chides you for taking your time, pace yourself because there is more to be accomplished than you realise at first. Eventually, others will see the positive impact you've had, all round.

Not everyone likes the way you sometimes use shock tactics to achieve the results you want in your work or relationships. But you're about to dream up a shrewd way of improving a set-up that no longer does anybody any favours. It's essential to give adequate warning to those involved, rather than catch them unawares.

A practical problem will call for a creative, imaginative solution rather than the same old approach that's been used - none too successfully - in the past. Stand up to anyone insisting that you stick to convention and let the Sun's tussle with Uranus convince you it's time to experiment with something new and different.

A series of ups and downs in terms of money, family or the place in which you live mustn't defeat you. In fact, under the influence of the Sun-Uranus link, you should find that, in the long run, developments turn out to be far more beneficial than you ever imagined. Refuse to run and hide.

Related article: What’s In Store For You In February Based On Your Horoscope

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