10 Packing Hacks That Will Change Your Life This Holiday Season

10 Packing Hacks That Will Change Your Life This Holiday Season

Because packing for vacation shouldn’t be stressful

Packing hacks
Packing hacks

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Packing hacks

No matter the length of your trip, be it a weekend beach getaway to Bali or a month-long trip to Europe, you’ll certainly benefit from efficient packing. It may seem simple enough, but when it comes to packing, doing it well makes all the difference in maximising your suitcase space, minimising your load, and ultimately making your vacation a stress-free affair. Here, we list out the 10 packing hacks that will have you packing like any well-seasoned traveller in no time.

1. Use packing cubes/pouches

Dividing your belongings into categorised, color-coded cubes can instantly make you feel like a much more organised packer. Plus, you’ll know exactly where everything is the moment you unzip your suitcase, saving time on rifling through your suitcase, and searching for items each time you open it.

2. Put heavy items at the bottom of your luggage

Packing heavy items at the bottom of your luggage ensures that your luggage is properly balanced and does not topple due to uneven weight. Heavier items such as footwear should be packed at the bottom, while lighter items such as dresses and clothing should be at the top.

3. Use Marie Kondo’s clothes folding method

The Marie Kondo clothes folding method not only saves room in your drawers at home but also really maximise your luggage space. What’s more, the technique reduces crinkles, and you get to get a quick glance of all your clothes the moment you open your suitcase.

Related article: 9 Things You Should Always Wear While Traveling

4. Use sunglasses case to keep cables

An empty sunglasses case is the perfect storage unit for cables, headphones, and small charging devices.

5. Stuff your socks in your shoes

Shoes are chunky items to travel with, but you can make full use of its space by stuffing items such as socks or underwear in them. This not only reduces space but also keeps your shoes in shape.

6. Put jewelry in pill containers

This is a great hack for separating your rings and earrings while protecting them. Plus, you get to see all your accessories at one glance upon opening.

Related article: Two Hacks For Making Sure Your Suitcase Comes Out First On The Carousel

7. Pack according to outfits

packing hacks

Photo: Getty

packing hacks

We all have a tendency to overpack. To ensure that you fully utilise all the clothes that you bring, plan ahead and pack according to the outfits that you intend to wear.

8. Pack extra ziplock or plastic bags

Pack spare zip lock bags or plastic bags to store any dirty laundry you’ve accumulated. It makes it easier to differentiate between what is clean or worn and keeps the odour from dirty laundry away. The extra bags can also be used for any new items that you buy from your travels.

9. Use bar soaps instead of liquids

Using bar soaps gives you one less thing to worry about for your flight – gels, and liquids. Plus, they are a great zero waste beauty option and will significantly reduce your luggage weight.

Related article: The Ultimate In-Flight Beauty Essentials For Hydrated, Clear Skin While Traveling

10. Pack dryer sheets to keep your suitcase smelling fresh

This helps to keep your clean clothes smelling fresh and avoid the stale suitcase smell from long storage or dirty laundry.

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