Your Complete Horoscope For June 2021

Happy birthday, Gemini and Cancer!

Gemini Cancer Horoscope

Find out what this month has in store for you.

You’ll feel quite sure that those encouraging you to head off in a different direction mean well, but you’ll have a sense of loss and separation by the end of the month. This will not last, however. The more information you glean about your new destination, the more confident you’ll feel about making the move.

Any rivalry between you and friends or colleagues should be seen as healthy competition rather than a potential problem—all of you want to do your best. If you sense any permanent rifts forming, call a halt. Relationships are more valuable to you right now than the prize money.

New innovations within your working life or private a airs may seem threatening at first, but don’t let Saturn’s run-in with Uranus persuade you that anything new is to be feared rather than embraced. There’s much to be gained from inventiveness and originality.

Find a solution for any tense situations involving your reputation or ambitious goals. You’re dealing with someone who is insecure rather than devious. By sharing hidden fears, the two of you should be able to meet somewhere in the middle.

Prepare for setbacks when it comes to long-term obligations and manage your expectations. If rethinking major schemes, try to have all decisions made by 20 June, when Jupiter enters a retrograde phase.

Though you don’t deny the importance of paying attention to a formal or financial arrangement, you will be drawn towards discussions about a get-together or trip. Distracting though it may be, you must decide where your main priorities lie and show that no one is going to be left waiting or feeling short-changed.

Differences of opinion regarding a partnership, family or domestic set-up may seem far more dramatic than they really are. With the Sun jostling with Neptune, don’t let your imagination run wild or you may become convinced that all concerned can never end up on the same side. See things as they really are.

By turning your attention to contractual or business issues, you’ll curry favour with the parties involved. That’s fine, provided you don’t leave a special somebody feeling abandoned. You’ve been less attentive to this individual over the past few weeks. Close, loving relationships call for nurturing.

It may be a case of full steam ahead when it comes to money changing hands or the acquisition of property or possessions. But hiccups are likely unless you and those involved take an entirely pragmatic approach without assuming Lady Luck will come to your rescue if anything goes awry. Good planning makes perfect.

Much as you may be inclined to defend controversial projects or proposals, you will have to admit in the end that there are a number of problems looming. Rather than see this as admitting defeat, be glad you have the good sense to call a halt before any cash has been wasted or harm done.

Financial discussions with certain people have always proved awkward. But there’s nothing forcing you to remain as you are. Reframe your attitude towards these individuals who would rather have fruitful exchanges rather than stilted conversations. If you start by putting your doubts behind you, everybody else should follow suit.

Money-related matters may become challenging. Although others may want to be in the driving seat, you should still be able to navigate your way through the tricky bits. Be robust around the time of the solar eclipse on 10 June and show that, when required, you can take control and bring about positive outcomes.

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