Your Complete Horoscope For September 2022

Your Complete Horoscope For September 2022

Happy birthday, Virgo and Libra!

Virgo Libra Horoscope

Happy birthday Virgo and Libra! Find out what this month has in store for you.

Ruminating over a personal or financial misunderstanding will get you nowhere. Set out to establish that there’s nothing more to be done about it and then resolve to move on. You should also consider how much learning there is to be gained from this episode that might have proved unfortunate but certainly not cataclysmic.

Decide on the right strategy with which to approach an intensely private matter, before 10 September if possible. From then on, Mercury is retrograde for three weeks, making it hard for you to think clearly about who you are, what you’re trying to do and the direction in which you should be travelling. Act fast.

Fears about your health and well-being might be justifiable, but you mustn’t let them become over-inflated. Gather enough information to provide a sound analysis of the unfolding situation and decide what action to take. Remember: By becoming obsessive, you could jeopardise at least one experience that has the potential to lift your spirits.

Perhaps you’ve settled into a rather cosy routine regarding your activities in the wider world. If so, you could be shaken out of your comfort zone by some unexpected news. Although you mustn’t go into panic mode, you do need to promise yourself that you will fulfil obligations well within the allotted time frame.

Personal commitments may dominate while you’re also obliged to focus on business or property concerns. Rather than be too tough on yourself over anything that’s not receiving your full attention, try to deal with it as soon as circumstances allow. You are often your own harshest critic, which can have all sorts of negative outcomes.

Certain people and their cynical comments could become laborious, if they aren’t already. Be tolerant as they scrutinise every detail of arrangements and, in the process, cause delays and frustration. Accept that they’re anxious, listen carefully, and iron out every little wrinkle they come up with until there are no more questions to be asked.

Plans thwarted in the past are about to be given a boost. Be ready to act on invaluable support provided early in the month when optimistic Jupiter befriends power-packed Mars. True, you’ll still have to navigate complex financial or domestic territory. But the realisation that you’re no longer struggling alone will make all the difference.

Having procrastinated over ongoing responsibilities, you’re about to take a pragmatic view of how best to manage them. Once you accept that you cannot avoid challenges that lie ahead, you’ll find you can deal with them far more quickly and efficiently than you would have thought. Give yourself imaginary deadlines and stick rigidly to them.

You’ll find yourself coming up with ideas best described as wild and wacky in an attempt to indulge someone special. The minute you’re given some fair but critical comments about what you’re doing, you must take it on the chin. If you become defensive, you’ll ruin what’s meant to be a very memorable period in your life.

Venus, planet of rationale, enters the home and family section of your chart early in September, but leaves before the month is out. So capitalise on the window of opportunity during which you can negotiate complicated changes affecting the way you live and the people you love. There’s no time for delays and long-winded deliberations.

Irritated though you might be with some caring individuals urging you to broaden your horizons, you’ll secretly admit that it makes sense to be more sociable and adventurous than you have been recently. And that’s fine so long as you don’t take on so much that you become fractious and exhausted. Pacing yourself is everything.

It seems you’ve been sharing business or money-related undertakings with a trusted colleague or companion. And you certainly won’t welcome some rather scathing remarks about the arrangement, especially with the Sun doing battle with Neptune. Quickly decide whether you’re faced with idle gossip—which must be ignored—or credible data that calls for thorough investigation.

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