Happy Father's Day! 9 Inspiring Quotes From Celebrity Dads

Happy Father's Day! 9 Inspiring Quotes From Celebrity Dads

Aww-inspiring Daddygrams and quotes by celebrities

Daddy Love!
Daddy Love!

Photo: Getty

Daddy Love!

It's that time of the year to celebrate that "special man" in our lives: Dad. While reminiscing on our fond moments, wouldn't you love to know how some hot celebrity dads have embraced fatherhood? Very well, as you can see... Awww!

Channing Tatum

"I've never protected the president [in real life], but I have been a new dad, and I can tell you that being a new dad is pretty terrifying. I'm pretty sure that something about the president makes the stakes a little higher, but to me as a new father, nothing is more important or scary than protecting a daughter...” - Channing Tatum

Prince William

Justin Timberlake


"I thought I would be more inspired to have all these new feelings to talk about, but I really just want to hang out with my daughter. I want to enjoy this time for what it is," Jay Z

David Beckham

Kanye West

John Legend

Neil Patrick Harris

Jimmy Fallon

"...Being a father is the most exciting, amazing thing that ever happened to me...everything just gets heightened when you have a baby. The volume gets turned up on life." - Jimmy Fallon

By Sandhya Mahadevan

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