Your Complete Horoscope For July 2022

Happy birthday Cancer and Leo!

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Find out what this month has in store for you.

You’ve been silenced with regard to your finer feelings about a sensitive topic in the past. So it should come as a relief when you’re invited to share your opinions. In doing so, you’ll have the opportunity to prove how well you know yourself and show your ability to persuade others around to your point of view.

Circumstances will force you to talk about a part of your makeup you wouldn’t normally discuss. Provided that the benefits of being so transparent outweigh the risks, it probably is the moment for you to be less secretive. Make sure, however, not to reveal anything that could be used against you privately or professionally.

Feedback from someone influential will sound promising. However, Mercury is befriending Saturn but being challenged by Neptune. So don’t be surprised to discover from other sources that some of the territory to which you’re committed requires extra attention. Run checks and balances, especially in vulnerable areas, to ensure that all is as it should be

Hints from a partner or loved one that you’ve neglected some of your ongoing duties are probably spot on. So you’ll be inclined to put your energies into projects where you have much to offer but which you often ignore. You’ll be heartened by the difference this makes to relationships that mean a lot to you.

Be careful if confiding in somebody you don’t know very well. Jupiter’s run-in with Venus suggests you’re being somewhat naïve in trusting this individual. If it all goes wrong, you may have to admit that you’ve said too much too soon. Keep any important disclosures to yourself until you’re sure of who you’re dealing with.

Focus on your own well-being and that of certain people close to you, but avoid being so obsessive about it that tempers become frayed. You might speak to whoever else is involved as though they cannot think or act for themselves. Help and guidance are of great value, but bossiness and bullying can be a pain.

Refuse to let a minor disappointment spoil what was meant to be a pleasant experience for you. And be guided by a positive Sun-Uranus link encouraging you to turn your attention to another person or area entirely. Managed well, you should eventually find that this will more than make up for whatever has been sacrificed.

Step back from day-to-day work and responsibilities, and look long and hard at facets of your home and family life you’ve overlooked. Even if some think everything’s fine as it is, you’ll know deep down that you have to swing into action. One particular person will appreciate it more than you could ever imagine

Mention of a group activity or get-together isn’t meant to put you on your guard, but you’ll find that you’re looking for excuses not to take part. Wouldn’t it be easier to say as much? Surely, those involved would prefer to hear the plain, simple truth rather than wonder why you think you have to lie.

No matter how much resistance you meet from family members, you’ll feel you must pursue a long-term goal in terms of work or connections with the wider world. Don’t be surprised if the Sun confronting Pluto forces you to let your critics see, once and for all, that you’ll allow nobody to steer you off course.

Having tolerated circumstances that have forced you to remain in one place for too long, you’re about to ask why. Rather than alienate people who have been imposing the rules, you’ll find that you and they have more mutual respect and understanding than you thought. The answers you’re given will explain a great deal.

Tempting though it may be to invest time or money in a joint project, you must weigh up the costs against likely gains. In mid-July, vital factors will come to light. If possible, wait until then before making hard and fast decisions. Anybody urging you to sign on the dotted line before you’re ready has to be ignored.

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