Your Complete Horoscope For March 2024

Your Complete Horoscope For March 2024

Happy Birthday, Pisces and Aries!

Happy Birthday, Pisces and Aries! Find out what this month has in store for you.

Pisces: 20 February – 20 March

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If someone wants to whisk you away on a date or a getaway, you have every right to go along or stay put. What’s more important is that you listen to your body and surrender to your needs. When was the last time you checked in with your own well-being? You have the space to make the little changes in your life that you’ve held off for a while now. Whether it’s rearranging your room, meeting a friend, or taking yourself on a date, this is the time to shake up your routine so that you can flow more freely.

Aries: 21 March – 20 April

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The majestic feeling of the sun swelling over darkness is the same feeling that lives inside you now. You are on the cusp of a big creation or venture, which could mean beginning a new project, investment opportunity, or expanding your family or home. It’s time to contribute to a cause bigger than yourself and remember to remain humble and extend generosity to those around you. Spend time with those who truly appreciate your presence. Perhaps, catch a sunrise together. I hear Punggol Waterway is a good spot.

Taurus: 21 April – 21 May

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March allows you to strengthen your relationships and smooth over disagreements and conflicts, especially those related to family or personal matters. You may find yourself playing the role of a consultant as people come to you for advice and guidance. Your role is not to control or dictate but to encourage others to see things from a different, more objective perspective. Remember that your words have more power than you think. A picture speaks a thousand words, but just a few of them are enough to inspire a thousand new ideas. This month, choose your words wisely and respectfully.

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Gemini: 22 May – 21 June

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Falling in and out of love is exhausting, but part and parcel of life. At some point, you might have lost hope and let your cup run dry. Whether you’re coupled up or not, take this month to reclaim your love for life by expressing how you feel without restraint. There’s a song out there for everyone, so sing your heart out at karaoke or in the shower. Love, frustration, boredom and passion are all valid emotions in your repertoire, and now’s the time to honour what you feel in the moment. Your future self will thank you for it.

Cancer: 22 June – 22 July

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You’re dreaming of success, but you might not have a clear idea of what that entails yet. Use this month to anchor your aspirations in concrete and achievable goals, so you don’t miss out on a step as you’re scaling your ladder. Think before you talk and wait before you walk. Consider meditating or engaging in mindful activities when you feel anxiety creeping in. Recall that the goal is to clear your mind, not to be correct all the time. Finally, success flows to you when you move forward with clarity, not obsession.

Leo: 23 July – 23 August

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You may be saving up for a rainy day, but you neglect your wants or needs. Money does not grow when stashed in a vault. However, if you’re prone to over-spending, this is a reminder to establish the habit of maintaining a budget. This month, seek to strike a balance between saving and spending. Your bank account is not a reflection of your self-worth, but a good handle on your financial resources may serve to empower you. Don’t be afraid to enlist the help of a trusted companion to keep you accountable.

Related article: Your Complete Horoscope For February 2024

Virgo: 24 August – 23 September

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While it’s true that we’re all healing from something, you may be feeling the brunt of old emotions and scars returning this month. Your lesson is to understand that hope blooms from struggle and that you are entering a new phase of your life where you can consciously choose to rise above self-limiting thoughts. Your sense of empathy is at an all-time high as you recognise others who have gone through similar obstacles. Transmute the pain into healing not simply for yourself, but for others in need when you feel called to do so.

Libra: 24 September – 23 October

Zodiac sign Libra. The symbol of the astrological horoscope. Vector illustration. Portrait of a girl. Continuous line
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Bells are ringing around you. Whether they’re wedding bells or alarm bells, gear up for an upcoming announcement in your career or personal life. This month facilitates decision-making and externalising your wishes. Above all, remember that the best choice to make is the one most aligned with your intuition. If your internal alarm bells are going off, it’s likely a sign that something is awry. Conversely, if you’ve weighed the options and feel at peace with a decision, then leave self-doubt at the door.

Scorpio: 24 October – 22 November

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It may feel as if you have one foot in and one foot out of a commitment, or that you’ve been daydreaming about leading a different life. Distractions are aplenty but don’t forget why you started the journey you’re on right now. As you move into March, you’re also marching into a new experience that will offer new returns but only if you’re willing to let go of the past and focus on what’s directly in front of you. At the same time, be wary of picking up too many responsibilities and paying lip service to promises you can’t keep.

Related article: Your Complete Horoscope For January 2024

Sagittarius: 23 November – 21 December

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There are no bad decisions, only misaligned ones. This March, you may be faced with a challenging decision. You’re pushed to break free of indecisive habits and gain stronger control of your mental will. This is your wake-up call to leave an unsuitable situation behind, especially if you’ve been biting your nails about it. If you’re having difficulty moving on, find a judgement-free space that allows you to breathe and share your thoughts openly and unapologetically. You don’t have to fight a war with your own mind, not when freedom is the other option.

Capricorn: 22 December – 20 January

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This month, you may feel as if you’re running against a wall or not getting through to someone in your life. You have enough opinions to pen down an entire thesis, but not everyone wants to hear what you have to say—especially if you don’t package your thoughts compassionately. Here’s the deal: you attract what you put out. Widespread recognition may or may not be in the cards for you, but trust that those who are meant to open up to you will follow accordingly. Meanwhile, continue communicating with purpose, tact and flexibility. Always remember your thoughts are valuable.

Aquarius: 21 January – 19 February

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If you live in a city of skyscrapers, it’s overwhelming to think of how you can create a lasting impact on the world around you. The good news is you don’t have to solve global problems, or even someone else’s. Instead of problem-solving, approach this month as an adventure. Lead towards exploring rather than expediting your life goals. Remember: uncertainty is not your enemy and you can always modify your plans. The only measuring stick that matters is the one that you hold up to yourself. So be brave and let your excitement lead the way.

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