Your Complete Horoscope For May 2022

Happy birthday, Taurus and Gemini.

taurus gemini

Find out what this month has in store for you.

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Tempting though it may be to interrogate a loved one over undisclosed matters, you must remain quiet. Around the time of the lunar eclipse on 16 May, all will be explained as information falls into your hands. You’ll be able to solve any mysteries without asking endless questions or coming across as invasive or suspicious.

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Don’t assume that people urging you to scrutinise documentation or travel plans are making a fuss over nothing. They realise that if you take unnecessary chances, you’ll find yourself in an uncomfortable position. And you could pay a high price in terms of reputational damage. Prove how cautious you can be when it’s called for.

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At first, you’ll wonder whether to embrace group activities or interests. However, with the Sun linked to Uranus and Pluto, you’ll soon become aware that someone whose judgement you trust implicitly is urging you to invest in what promises to be a worthwhile experience. Any risk is minor compared to the likely benefits you’ll reap.

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Have faith in those reassuring you that an ongoing property or family matter will soon be resolved. True, they may have said something similar in the past, but this time round, you must focus on newly discovered statistics that are inspiring everyone involved to forge ahead. It won’t happen overnight, but the conclusion is within reach.

Before launching yourself into territory where you could make a name for yourself, be sure you’ll have enough time and energy to do whatever is required of you. Somebody may have presented an over-optimistic account of what’s involved. Refuse to sign on the dotted line until all your doubts and questions have been confronted.

A critical voice whispering in your ear mustn’t distract you from pursuing ideas designed to broaden your horizons or boost finances. As you set out to proceed slowly and carefully, don’t let any negative comments based on fear and ignorance determine your future. If you need to revisit one especially complex factor, do just that.

Although people might not openly criticise your inventive input, you won’t be totally confident that you can make an ambitious project take off in the way that is expected. But why should the buck stop with you? Go back to the drawing board and insist that everybody else contributes. Shared responsibility is the answer.

Keep your nerve when communications falter. You’ll be dealing with Mercury having entered a retrograde phase. Minor spats will be short-lived and you’ll soon be the one to repair any ruptures in a slick and simple way while accepting the part you’ve played in any upset or conflict.

Issues around health or well-being must not be allowed to unnerve you. So when one particular person begins to catastrophise for no valid reason, refuse to listen. You’re capable of taking care of yourself and you must do just that while steering clear of unproven, alarmist theories.

Facts being unearthed might cause you to doubt the integrity of certain individuals. But resist coming to any hard and fast conclusions. With Jupiter allied to Pluto, you can look at the situation from a positive, optimistic standpoint rather than investing in doom and gloom. There’s far more to be revealed than you first realise.

Escape from a restrictive place or set-up as best you can. But do ensure that the advantages of going ahead with the move will prove worthwhile. Any sort of knee- jerk reaction or hasty moves could work against you. So although it’s true that innovation is required, it will take planning, forethought and a cool head.

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You might not have total faith in a shared project or arrangement initially. But before long, light will be shone onto an area containing hidden assets and resources. From that point on, you should be able to make fact-based decisions regarding the extent of your commitment to whatever is being proposed. On no account be rushed.

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