Your Complete Horoscope For October 2022

Your Complete Horoscope For October 2022

Happy birthday Libra and Scorpio!

Libra Scorpio Horoscope

Happy birthday Libra and Scorpio! Find out what this month has in store for you.

No one could blame you for wanting to enhance a favourite place or setting to make it more appealing than ever before. But you must consider the costs involved. And, even more importantly, be quite sure that anyone directly impacted by the choices you make is happy with your decisions. You don’t want to make waves unnecessarily.

Check yourself to make sure you’re not becoming hyper-vigilant regarding people whose standards seem to be slipping when it comes to everyday work and responsibilities. True, they might be a little careless or lazy occasionally. But you mustn’t let a Jupiter-Venus clash bring out a pernickety, judgemental streak in you that’s anything but attractive. Be alert.

Initially, you might think that comments made by a friend or companion are designed to cause you hurt or distress. But you’ll slowly realise that much of what is being said makes sense. And there are clues as to how you can safeguard yourself against something that could prove disadvantageous. Study your next move carefully.

People who are forever enquiring about your health and well-being genuinely care about you. However, with Mars at odds with Neptune, you’ll imagine they know something that you don’t. Either convince yourself that they’re merely curious and have no hidden agenda or confront them head-on and insist on total transparency if they have something important to say.

Whether you like it or not, you’ll have to assume responsibility for ideas that others insist have your name written all over them. So put aside any self-doubts and just go for it. Yes, you’ll hit a few bumps along the road but what you achieve could define you in a way you never thought at all possible.

Newfound interest in joint financial or business projects could bring success you’ve rarely experienced and you’ll have much to offer. But another crucial ingredient is the input of someone with the skills, learning and know-how within a territory that’s still quite foreign to you. Make sure that the two of you share responsibilities and rewards in equal measure.

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Those who feel entitled to comment on your private affairs are likely to get under your skin. So be glad that Venus, a planet of rationale, is befriending Saturn and Mars. If ever there’s a time when you’ll surprise yourself at how tolerant and even-handed you can be, it’s in the second half of October.

Having straightened out misunderstandings with somebody special, you should soon be able to focus on some heavy-duty tasks that you’ve been avoiding. Part of your reason for procrastinating is linked to your reluctance to ask for the support you undoubtedly need. Why put on a brave face and struggle? Seeking help makes much more sense.

As you reflect on developments within the home or family, you’ll realise it will now be appropriate to pay more attention to deficits in your creative or social life. You obviously cannot put all on-going commitments to one side, but you must inject new enthusiasm into areas of activity that never fail to please you.

Maddening though it might be to have to balance practical duties with demands of your loved ones, you’ll manage. Be on the alert around 19 October, however, when the Sun confronts Pluto and somebody’s behaviour makes you think you can’t cope. You can, but only if you allow yourself some time-out occasionally.

If you can tidy up the last remaining mix-ups in your financial or formal affairs, you’ll be able to enjoy a brief respite from the more serious side of life. However, just make sure that the one person reassuring you that an age-old problem has been resolved is being honest. Remember: Not everybody can face the truth.

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Rather than miss out on an intriguing experience, you’ll convince yourself you can fit it into an action-packed schedule. But no matter how energised you feel, accept that there’s a limit to what can be done, even for you. Look carefully and decide what means most to you and what can wait until another day.

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