Your Complete Horoscope For August 2019

Your Complete Horoscope For August 2019

Happy Birthday, Leo and Virgo!

august horoscope

Find out what the month of August has in store for you.

Inventive schemes will capture your imagination. But prepare to think along more conventional lines mid-month when colleagues or companions suggest you’re becoming slightly reckless. You obviously won’t want them to cramp your style but it would be even worse if you were to adopt a strategy which ultimately fails.

Avoid letting a boost to your ego lead you to take irresponsible risks. And be glad of the wise counsel of the person in your life who is always quick to note that you’re acting out of character. Whether through boredom or devilment, you could regret breaking some well-established rules of behaviour.

Ideas which initially inspired or excited you might suddenly seem full of holes. And with Uranus entering a retrograde phase, you’ll question the integrity of a partner or associate with whom you’re meant to pool your resources. If you ignore doubts lurking at the back of your mind rather than confront them, you’ll soon regret it.

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Influential people will have you in their sight lines. But it is important to calculate the true worth of your talents and experience before entering into negotiations for a contract or agreement. You seem to have been given some false information, and it’s now time to let everyone see that you’re no fool.

Everyday duties must be confronted if you’re to acquire peace of mind. Rather than procrastinate any longer, knuckle down and get the backlog of tedious tasks out of the way. Your prize could be the freedom of then having the time to spend with someone whose value is beyond question.

August begins with one new moon and finishes with another. Your challenge might be to develop aspects of a private or professional partnership which you suddenly realise are lacking. Do bear in mind, however, that whoever else is involved may be quite happy with things as they are. So polish up your skills of communication.

It seems you haven’t been practising self-care recently. So ask yourself whether you really need to take on these additional responsibilities. It could be that you’ve been in denial about feeling out of sorts. Taking some time out to reflect on how you’ve been coping with conflict recently would be hugely beneficial.

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Just when you think that an intimate relationship is running smoothly, you might find yourself at odds with the other person concerned. This is because complacency has seeped into one or two areas in which decisions have to be made or action taken. Just bite the bullet and do it—the outcomes will make it worthwhile.

Refuse to let a Venus-Uranus clash wreck money-related or social plans. Some people may say you’re fighting a lost cause, but you have the courage of your convictions urging you to stay on course. Even if you’re the only one who knows the true value of whatever you’re pursuing, you will in the end be proven right.

Destructive though they might sound, remarks made by loved ones or workmates are meant to help you view your personal or family life from a healthier perspective. Instead of getting defensive, try exploring various ways in which you could bring to an end a situation which has never been quite what you’ve wanted.

A financial or business crisis may come to an end but you cannot ignore other issues bubbling away beneath the surface. Listen to a peer or companion urging you to investigate a set-up which can now be seen for what it really is. You have suffered the consequences of too many cover-ups already.

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Your enthusiasm for a particular arrangement will be buoyed up by Jupiter’s connection with both the Sun and Venus. You may be prepared to do much of the heavy lifting but you must ask yourself how generously you should be paid or rewarded. Will all the extra hours and effort you’re putting in prove worthwhile?

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